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Friday, April 6, 2018

A Message From Bill Beaury

To my fellow handlers,

We are well aware of the tactics being used by MSA to discourage you from unionizing. We'd like to thank the many handlers that have relayed what you've been told by MSA during their numerous post visits. You must ask yourselves, why are they so afraid of a union? Why after all these years are they suddenly getting out from behind their desks and taking an interest in what you have to say? Where were they years ago when these issues were first raised? Why has the MSA motto of "if you don't like it, quit" suddenly disappeared? Do you honestly think MSA would voluntarily continue this dialogue or go back into hiding?

The reason behind forming our own union is simple. There is no union that has experience representing K9 handlers. We created the United Federation of K9 Handlers to represent the best interests of you and your partner. Our leadership is made up of current and former handlers who are willing to stand up to MSA and demand fair and respectable treatment for all handlers.

Finally, I'd like to address Mr. Kucera's comment about "two disgruntled ex-New York employees." He was referencing myself and Joe Nacarlo. I assume we were not named to deter you from researching our reputations. We left MSA after thirteen years of faithful service. In our final years, we became field supervisors at MSA in an attempt to change the way handlers were treated. We were met with overwhelming resistance.

We must not allow MSA to return to business as usual. Cast your vote for the United Federation of K9 Handlers.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bill Beaury

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