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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Our Backgrounds

Good Evening My Fellow Handlers,

Below you'll find information concerning who we are and where we've come from. If you're a handler outside of New York City, do not be discouraged from taking part in the union effort.  We need handlers from all over the country who are willing to stand up for fair treatment from MSA. If you're interested in becoming a delegate for your region or contributing in anyway, email nopaymsa@gmail.com and you'll be contacted as soon as possible.

Bill Beaury served twenty and a half years in the NYPD. Sixteen of those years were in the Emergency Service Unit. After retiring from the NYPD, Bill worked as an MSA K9 handler for thirteen years and a field supervisor for eight months. Bill was also a union delegate in the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association for eleven years.

Joe Nacarlo served for twenty two years in the NYPD. Seventeen of those years were in the Emergency Service Unit. After retiring as a Sergeant, Joe worked as an MSA K9 handler for thirteen years and as a field supervisor for two years.

John Hansen served twenty years in the NYPD Harbor Unit. John has worked for MSA as a K9 handler for twelve years and as a field supervisor for six months.

Joseph Tallini served twenty years in the NYPD. Joe has worked for MSA for as a K9 handler for seven years.

Tom Brown served four years in the United States Marine Corps. Tom has worked for MSA as a K9 handler for four years.

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