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Monday, April 23, 2018


To My Fellow Handlers,

This is a friendly reminder to mail in your NLRB ballots. The NLRB office in Brooklyn must receive your ballots by close of business on May 2nd for them to be counted. The ballots will be counted at 10am on Thursday, May 3nd. For your ballot to be counted, you must sign the back of the yellow envelope.

We've also received several phone calls from handlers about field supervisors asking if they've mailed in their ballots. Handlers have been told there is a memo from MSA management asking supervisors to compile a list of who has submitted a ballot and who has not. If you're approached by a supervisor and asked about your ballot, please respectfully decline to provide any information. There is no reason for MSA to know if or how you've voted.

Several handlers have informed us they've contacted the NLRB and have filed complaints. We're asking MSA to cease this attempt to document who has voted. There is no reason for you to obtain this information and it would behoove you to stop before charges are filed.


  1. So what happens if we already told our supervisor (who made it seem like a friendly question) before we saw this?

    1. Send us an email with what information was asked of you.

