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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

What We Will Fight For

Below you'll find a list of what we will be fighting for after the election. We welcome any and all suggestions from every handler in the country. Any contract that is negotiated with MSA can only be approved by a majority vote of every K9 handler in the country. Email nopaymsa@gmail.com with any additional demands you'd like to see added.

Care for Your Partner

  • After your dog turns seven, you have the option to keep your dog if you decide to leave the company.
  • Dogs will be retired at age nine. You'll have the option to keep your dog or return it with no repercussions.
  • If MSA medically retires your dog at anytime, they will be responsible for the dogs veterinary care for the remainder of the dogs life.
  • If you dog retires in good health, MSA will pay for 3/4 of the veterinarian bills and the handler will pay for the remaining 1/4 at the company discount price. One well visit per year is included with required shots.
  • If your retired EDC needs to be put down for any reason, MSA will be responsible for all related costs.

Stipend and Compensation
  • The monthly stipend will immediately increase to $800 per month. It will then increase $100 per year until it reaches $1000 per month.
  • The starting pay will remain at $26 an hour. After a six month probationary period, handlers will receive a $1 raise to $27 an hour.
  • After probationary period, handlers will receive performance evaluations tied to a $1 an hour raise per year.
  • Home maintenance and training of your K9 will be paid at your normal rate, one hour per day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The seven hours per week of home care will be factored into weekly overtime calculations. For example, if you work 40 hours a week, the seven hours will be paid at the overtime rate of time and a half.

    Quality of Life at Worksites
    • All sites must be able to accommodate a handler and K9. Heat will be available in the winter. Air conditioning will be available in the summer. Fresh water will be available at all times. A crate in a sheltered area will be provided for rest periods.

    Removing K9s from Handlers
    • Before a K9 is removed from a handler for any disciplinary reason, a group of four senior handlers will meet and have the final say.

    Vacation Time

    • 1-2 Years = 5 days + 5 sick days
    • 2-4 Years = 10 days + 5 sick days
    • 5-7 Years = 12 days + 5 sick days
    • 7+ Years = 15 days + 5 sick days

    Vacation Picks
    • Picks will be based on seniority starting January 15th.
    • Unused vacation and sick days will be paid at your normal rate by January 15th of the following year unless handlers submit in writing that they would like the time to be carried over.

    • MSA will provide enough dog teams to provide sufficient lunch breaks to locations that do not provide for meal breaks. They will also provide transportation costs for relief teams to move from site to site with sufficient time to give all proper relief. If no meal relief is given, you will be paid double time for a missed meal.

    Notification of Tours
    • If you are asked or notified to work a tour less than five days in advance from the start of the tour, you will be paid at time and a half your normal rate.
    • If you are notified 48 hours or less before the start of the tour, you will be paid double your normal rate.


    • Upon Hire, every handler will receive a winter jacket, two pairs of pants, two short sleeve shirts, and two long sleeve shirts. 
    • Every six months, every handler will receive a new pair of pants and shirt.
    • Every year handlers will receive a new leash and collar.
    • Every two years, handlers will receive a new winter jacket.
    • $1500 uniform allowance per year for uniform upkeep and dry cleaning.

    • If you agree to travel you must be notified two weeks prior of complete itinerary.
    • Travel days will be compensated at your normal rate plus five extra hours per travel day.
    • Transportation costs to and from the airport will be paid by MSA.
    • During your stay, handlers will be compensated at $15 per hour for non work hours.
    • If you agree to use your personal vehicle for travel, you will be reimbursed at .75 cents per mile.
    • If you do not agree to use your personal vehicle, MSA must rent you an appropriate vehicle.
    • Reimbursement for meals will be $50 per day. Payment will be five days prior to the beginning of the trip.
    • All travel expenses incurred by handlers will be paid in full five business days after MSA receives the receipts or handlers will be owed interest.
    • Being assigned to worksites outside of the area you were hired to work will be considered travel and will be reimbursed at .75 cents per mile. For example, if you're hired to work in Los Angeles but assigned to a post in San Diego, you will be paid travel and $50 per day for meals.

    • Parking at all sites will be the responsibility of MSA. If you are instructed to park in the street and are ticketed or towed, MSA is responsible for the costs.

    • NAPWDA certification will be paid at your normal rate plus five hours for travel.

    • For any storm that will anticipate a state of emergency, hotel rooms and parking will be made available for all working tours and incoming tours.
    • For any forecast with the anticipation of 6 inches or more of snow, hotel rooms and parking will be made available.
    • Meal stipends will be included at $50 per day.
    • Individual rooms may be necessary for aggressive dogs.

    Cruise Ship Terminals
    • K9 teams posted on the roof when the temperature reaches 85 will not work for one hour and then rest for one hour.
    • K9 teams working the stores will also work for one hour and then break for one hour.
    • MSA will provide a clean and equipped break room.


    1. I totally agree with it all except **"After your dog turns seven, you have the option to keep your dog if you decide to leave the company". I think this should be changed to six (6).

    2. ** After probationary period, handlers will receive performance evaluations tied to a $1 an hour raise per year.

      Your really giving them an out...watch the failures at Windsor triple just not to give handlers raises.

      1. I doubt Oscar and NAPWDA would tarnish their reputations by taking orders from MSA to fail certain handlers. Negative performance evaluations would have to be accompanied by evidence. If MSA attempts to surprise handlers at the end of the year with mysteriously appearing write ups, we have lawyers standing by.
