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Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Message from Bill Beaury

I'd like to provide everyone with a little history on one of the of the so called ex-disgruntled employees Glen likes to talk about.

I worked for MSA as an EDC handler from January 2002 until August of 2015. As a handler, I worked almost every location MSA covered. As a good employee, I worked whenever asked to, and went where I was told. I worked holidays, weekends, late nights, and early mornings just like all of you have.

In August of 2015, I was promoted to field supervisor. As a supervisor, I set out everyday to do the right thing for the guys and girls in the street. From filling a company van with gas so the guys and their partners would have a place to sit and warm up, to giving guys extra breaks who were forced to do doubles, or just stopping bye to say hello with a warm cup of coffee. Joe Nacarlo and myself were known for working tours on the weekends for guys who needed off but were denied leave. MSA would always blame the lack of personnel. One of the biggest accomplishments was defending handlers when bosses and office personnel would put them down. The office folks would screw up and blame the handlers instead of taking responsibility for their failures. They often degraded and made fun of handlers for situations that had nothing to do with them.

I could go on and on telling stories about what went on behind the scenes at 9 Murray Street but I believe you are very well aware of MSAs habits and I'm sure everyone has their own horror stories. As time went on, more and more responsibility was piled on us and our phones rang 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. We were traveling every weekend, all across the country, for NFL games because MSA did not have enough personnel to cover them. We approached our immediate supervisor to discuss being compensated for the extra work and travel we were doing on top of our supervisory duties. We were told, “do what you gotta do, they are not giving you anything.” When they told us this after 14 years of loyalty, we found other jobs and left in March of 2016.

Are we disgruntled? I don't think so. We're pissed off at the way handlers are treated.

Now you know the real story Glen. Next time you feel the need to describe us as disgruntled, you must ask yourself, are they really disgruntled or were they just tired of MSAs business as usual?

Bill Beaury


  1. How could you be disgruntled? you made a fortune as a foh, & thought you could get 85k to just wander around bulshittin with the guys. you got a pension & non-union square badge salary. now you want a piece of the membership dues? this is my only income & i want to keep my dog.

    1. You should browse some of the posts on this site and become familiar with what we stand for.

      We've stated multiple times that no one involved with this union is allowed to receive compensation in anyway. It's in our bylaws and was submitted to the Department of Labors Office of Labor Management and Standards as the official rules governing our organization.

      Who's taking your dog or your income?

    2. FOH huh? You must have been around a long time. Not many guys left that know that term.

    3. This guy is fake news. Anyone who knows what foh means is either retired from msa or works in 9 murray. My bet is vinny had something to do with this.

  2. What bylaws? You have sent me an email a while back stating you didn't have any bylaws. You also stated in your email you were a temporary board. Are you a temporary board or are you the permanent board? Nobody works for free. I think this is nothing but a scam and you guys from NY are all full of shit.

    1. We've always had bylaws. It's required to have them and file them with the Federal Government. We're also required to file financials showing how much each member is compensated at the end of the fiscal year. Spoiler alert, it's zero.

      The email stating we have no bylaws was from a competing union that intervened on our petition. It wasn't true.

      We are a temporary board. If you'd like to be on it, just ask. There's no such thing as a permanent board for a union. Elections are required by Federal law.

      Usually when people stand up for what they believe in, they do it for free.

    2. This is an outright lie, the email was sent by NO pay MSA which clearly stated you have NO BYLAWS. " Our bylaws and form LM-1 haven't been filed with the Office of Labor Management Standards yet. They'll be filed within 90 days of the conclusion of the election". EVERY MSA HANDLER SHOULD HAVE A RIGHT TO SEE THE BYLAWS BEFORE WE VOTE. WHY HAVEN'T YOU POSTED THEM ON THIS SITE? WE DEMAND YOU PUBLISH YOUR BY-LAWS ON THIS SITE AS AN ANNOUNCEMENT POST!

    3. The quote you just posted states we do have bylaws. We had an appointment last month with an agent from the Office of Labor Management and Standards to go over our paperwork and bylaws. Everything was approved and the paperwork was filed.

      They'll be posted tomorrow night.

    4. This guy is an MSA plant.

  3. All any of us want is fare treatment, fare wages, and someone to have our backs when the shit hits the fan. Nothing was done to improve working conditions or raises or stipend increases prior to these guys standing up for the little guys. EDCH's should be able to make this a valid long term career. With no pension, paid vacations or raises in sight why would anyone want this for anything more than to supplement their pensions, or in the case of the younger guys, a waiting point to a real carrer like PD,Corrections or FD, in fact any city or fed job with benefits and a pension. In fact, prior to union talk there was never a mention by MSA to increase pay, or stipends or offer anything possitive about the future or your job as a dog handler. Bill and his team are trying to better the future of the dog handlers who CHOOSE this line of work. They have been there and understand the positive effects of what a union is capable of. We need this, this will benefit us all.

  4. These guys were not disgruntled at all. The were good K9 Handlers and very fair supervisors that constantly looked out for us here in NY. The negative comments about them or the union are just acts of desperation from an imposter.
