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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Letter From a Fellow Handler

I have been reading every post and reply on this site and can only say I am completely disgusted at some of the posts and replies. If my fellow handlers cannot read through the bullshit and bogus post, which are obviously orchestrated by individuals in upper-level management positions in MSA who oppose the formation of a union, then you are not the professionals I thought you were.

If anyone of you believes any of their rhetoric then I suggest you take a deep breath and think why would any handler oppose something that would benefit their future? Why would a fellow law enforcement officer or member of our armed forces viciously attack their brothers and sisters in uniform? Who would dissect the union by-laws in such detail to point out what they want you to believe is a problem? This country was built on the backs of unions formed by employees and former employees of companies who cared more about the almighty dollar then the health and well being of their employees. Employers hate unions because it cuts deep into their profits. They fear unions because they represent a “union” of all employees who fight “together” as one, for the same goals. The individuals who have dedicated their own time to help each of “us” get only what we deserve, nothing more are being bashed either by individuals in the MSA hierarchy or those who don’t know anything about a union or what it stands for.

As for any merger talks, first, remember they are talks next, remember there is strength in numbers. And, if you are under the misconception that MSA is not in fear of a merger with a large and strong union, you are wrong! They are shitting in their pants! Additionally, a merger doesn’t mean your dues will increase nothing could be further from the truth. As for that other group (phony union), misrepresenting themselves as a “law enforcement” union they really should give it up. As a union one would think they would support any union, even the one that crushed them in a vote. Unfortunately, they continue to bash your brother and sisters who support the United Federation of K9 Handlers. Is this really the way any union should act toward another? Wasn’t it only a short time ago they wanted to merge with the United Federation of K9 Handlers? By now you would think the little whiners would take their ball and go home.

It is obvious many of you have never belonged to a union and to that I reply, do your research, read up on the reasons why unions were formed in this country. People working for low wages in horrible conditions, long hours in extreme temperatures with little or no break and no paid sick or vacation time or holiday wages to compensate them. Does all that sound familiar?

I read a reply to a post sarcastically answering one of the northeast handlers who wanted to know why handlers in California get paid a higher rate. The reply was, because the cost of living in California is more. Once again, please do your research. The cost of living in New York City is, without a doubt, much higher than California. The union isn’t interested in lowering your salary but increasing the salaries and benefits of handlers everywhere.

Once again, it is my hope the negative comments posted are not from my fellow brother and sister K9 handlers. I would recommend anyone who has doubt about the dedication of our fellow brothers in forming this union and making the work environment better for each you and your K9 companion to examine their resumes and compare their dedication and service to our country to that of our new CEO; A CEO making every attempt for each of you to believe his bullshit. A CEO who claims he visited every K9 handler personally to listen and resolve the issues. Amazingly enough, most of the veteran handlers I spoke with never even met our new CEO but are awaiting that special moment. It seems he has only visited the newer and/or impressionable handlers. Those he can bullshit into believing he’s going to fix all our problems. The same problems that existed when he took office but never changed. The problems the new handlers don’t know existed for years before they were hired. Glen, if you’re going to talk with the handlers, talk with all of the handlers. I for one know complaints over the past year have fallen on deaf ears. Is there a reason why these numerous complaints were not resolved or addressed? Do we need to threaten to unionize before you are willing to exit your office and make promises we all know will not be fulfilled? Is your golden parachute so important to you that you would continuously lie to these new employees? Why are you so reluctant to disclose your contractual agreement to each of your K9 handlers and so willing to have your cronies post erroneous comments on the “nopaymsa” website? I’ve got a better idea, why not post your termination letter from your former employer so everyone can read about the type of person you are?

Ladies and gentlemen, WAKE UP! Now is the time for change, now is the time to better your life, the life of your families, and your K9 partner. Vote for the United Federation of K9 Handlers union, support don’t criticize your brothers and sisters across this great country of ours. A country each of your proudly served in uniform; A country your brothers served without care or concern for their own lives, served proudly as did each of you while our CEO made sure the correct wax was applied to the floor of a rental car company while he committed criminal acts.

After the termination from his previous position, Glen Kucera should never again be employed in a position of corporate trust but yet somehow he is our new CEO. I’m just wondering whose decision was it and why anyone at MSA, a company that employs only police or military (our countries finest), would hire such a vile person. Let’s not forget, they also held onto the other pinhead, Holland LaPlant, for almost a year even though a more qualified individual was already running the scheduling department single-handedly. Zane, you are missed!




  1. Enough of this "Anonymous" bullshit, why hasn't anyone addressed the questions about the By-laws and the "meeting" with the Transport Workers Union? Way too much Blah Blah Blah!

    1. I am for the creation of a union for MSA. However, I do not think they will be able to affiliate with the TWU. However, I believe the UFK9 can affiliate with the AFL-CIO. Either way, a union is better than the sewage running out of 9 Murray Street.

  2. I would agree with the above statement. For people who seem to know a ton about what is going on with MSA and chime in with their accusatory input very few people have posted their names. I am in the line of thinking anonymous claims and posts hold no value, and this is all a ploy and the only people posting are the same union creators trying to sway thinking by posting different posts by anonymous. I posted some fair questions and in return have received phone calls and text messages that have sparked up great conversations with handlers from New York to California. To be honest the same topic has come up. Everyone seems to have concerns and issues with the original motto of the federation and that was to remain small. Now they are talking about voting in a union who is going to merge with one that is 140,000 strong. The question off that is how much money are the creators of the union going to be putting in their pocket by approving this merger. As stated above nothing has been addressed about the Transport Union nor the By-laws unless I have completely missed a post.. I for one have lost faith and you can call me what you will,, but I think at this point in time I’m going to roll the dice on the new CEO. — Ron Dietz MN

    1. We're still not making any money off this Ron. Never have, never will. I've said this dozens of times but I don't think you'll believe me until I file the financials at the end of the year and email everyone a copy.

      The anonymous comments aren't us. A lot of handlers are really disgusted with MSA. Many who have been around awhile know that MSA has a habit of making dissenters disappear. I should know, they tried to do it to me. All for asking Keith Mulcahy why MSA doesn't pay the fringe benefits that every other contract security guard gets that works on Government contracts. I'd ask the same question to Glen, but he won't visit my post. To be honest, I wish he would. You had a good experience with him, maybe I'd have the same.

      John Samuelson, the President of TWU, had seen the letters Glen had sent out. He didn't like what was happening so he contacted us to offer support and guidance. Steve Maritas apparently took issue with this because we refused his assistance so he sent everyone an email. There are several unions in NYC that represent both security guards and other occupations. It's not something that's impossible. Personally, I believe the legal team with TWU knows what they're doing. The idea of affiliating with them was brought up, but it's not something that we're prepared to do right now. After the election, I'll write up a post about what they can offer us and it'll be voted on.

      Now to the bylaws. I know someone claimed to have called the Department of Labor to verify our bylaws and LM-1 were submitted. They claimed I was a liar. I would like to know who they contacted. I physically handed a signed original form and three copies of the bylaws to an investigator from the Office of Labor Management and Standards. I had several meetings with this investigator to make sure everything was done correctly. There is no such thing as a final draft of the by-laws. They can always be changed. All that needs to be done to change something is for me to send an updated copy to this investigator.

    2. Tom, I just noticed the several long comments you have posted. Are you a handler? You seem to know a lot about what's going on with this.

    3. Brown who’s bullshiting who?.... if you did submit your By-Laws to the Department of Labor, like you say you did, then you would have been required to submit all of the information below. IT’S THE LAW and you and The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") are NOT above the law!

      Information Required to Be Reported by Each Covered Union

      The LMRDA and CSRA regulations require each covered union to adopt a constitution and bylaws and file two copies with OLMS. The constitution and bylaws must be filed along with a Form LM-1 providing certain information about the structure, practices, and procedures of the union. If the union is governed by a uniform constitution and bylaws prescribed by the union’s parent national or international union, the parent body may file a constitution and bylaws in the union’s behalf.

      The initial Form LM-1 is due within 90 days after the union is established and first becomes subject to the LMRDA or CSRA. Form LM-1 requires each covered union to provide information such as

      identification of the union
      identification of the officers
      rates of dues and fees
      fiscal year ending date

      Additionally, labor organizations covered by the LMRDA must indicate on Form LM-1 where in the union’s constitution and bylaws certain practices and procedures are described, or, if not in the constitution and bylaws, provide a detailed statement of the practices and procedures. Among the practices and procedures to be reported are

      authorizing disbursement of funds
      selecting officers and other union representatives
      protesting a defect in the election of officers
      disciplining and removing officers
      fining, expelling, and suspending members
      ratifying contract terms
      authorizing strikes

      Based on the above, The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") By-laws fails to meet the standards as noted by the Department of Labor. Specifically:

      Rates of Dues and Fees – According to your By-Laws YOU DO NOT LIST what the monthly dues amount and/or fees which is a clear violation of Federal Law. How come this is NOT Listed?

      What is the fiscal year ending date?

      Where are your procedures for authorizing disbursement of funds?

      Where are your procedures for protesting a defect in the election of officers?

      Where are your procedures for disciplining and removing officers? The Department of Labor clearly notes this also must be included in your By-Laws. O Wait the (“Board of Directors”) will decide this under ARTICLE 5 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 5 which clearly states:

      Section 5: The Board of Directors shall establish policy for the Union and oversee the overall activities and affairs of this Union, utilize the property and funds of the Union consistent with its purposes and the interests of its Members in its discretion, and establish, adopt, prescribe and order such procedures or working rules, and establish such Committees consistent with these By-Laws as are required for the direction and management of the affairs of the Union.

      Where are your procedures for fining, expelling, and suspending members?

      The Department of Labor clearly notes this also must be included in your By-Laws.

      Below is the link which clearly shows you what is required by the Department of Labor. Based on what you posted on this site I truly doubt you filed these By-Laws with the Department of Labor which you claim were accepted by them since your By-Laws fall way short of what is required under Federal Law as noted by the link below.


    4. There we go again... the obsessive compulsive replies from Anti-Hero Robert Hynek!!Don't you have anything better to do that dissect each and every sentence of the by-laws? They have already mentioned that they will not be making any profits off dues. You seem to like to pretend you are a labor lawyer or litigator, but something tells me you're very much part of the Glen Team.. you must have "Foreskin" in this game.

  3. Seems that it has already been said that these anonymous messages are coming from the union creators. If you would just jump in and say I agree these
    anonymous messages are meaningless, where are the answers about the transport Union and by-laws, that would be enough.

    1. I will reply and disclose my name once I am assured protection from retaliation from 9 Murray Street. They have on countless of times have fired handlers for disagreeing with their policies. You can go ahead and be a hero by disclosing your name, but nothing will happen to you since you're pro Glen and his fake news.

    2. It's not us Craig but the handler that replied to you isn't wrong. MSA fired two handlers in NYC that were very vocal about the lawsuit and union. A few days after they were fired, our lawyers filed retaliation lawsuits against MSA. Their weariness to be identified isn't unjustified.

  4. I am in total agreement with the above letter! Who in the hell takes the time to dissect the by laws sentence by sentence? I do not believe a handler would have the energy to waste that much time to demonstrate an erroneous display of obsessive compulsive disorder just to try and negate an opportunity to make MSA better for all. It is evident that Glen and his Union Busting Thugs "Consultants" are in full force. For those of you who disagree with forming a union, that is your god given right. But I for one am sick and tired of the bullshit from management. I will never trust a CEO that has a checkered past regarding violations of public trust. Unless Glen changes things dramatically for EDC handlers, a union is better than no union while working for MSA. Glen has already revealed what the new changes will be for EDC handlers. The changes are the recent so called "improvements" he recently authorized to hourly employees "Except EDC Handlers". What a joke.

    The only handlers in New York City that receives 35.00 an hour bomb tech pay are handlers who were EOD in the military or bomb techs in the police department. So are you telling me that if these handlers come across an explosive, they will use their expertise to cut the wire and diffuse the bomb all while holding a dog.. oh give me a break. California handlers….. Most of you are receiving 35.00 because you were grandfathered in after MSA purchased and absorbed smaller K9 companies in California. That is how MSA expanded in the west coast. NYC is without a doubt equal to or much higher in regards to cost of living.

  5. Again with the “anonymous”......

    1. Ron Dietz, are you kidding??? Of course I would post my name if I was in agreement with the CEO. Your comments are laughable maybe the CEO will remember your support you brave brave man... Ha!!

  6. Hey Ron, Craig, and Robert. I have noticed that you three are Glen supporters and you post your names. Others in fear of retaliation from management (for good reasons), who also support a union, remain anonymous. Notice the trend here? The only other anonymous posts here are the person's who are trying to tear the K9 Union to shreads......if you guys don't see a trend here, we sure do!

    Union Strong Brother

    1. Hey "union strong brother", I've been asking the same questions about By-laws and this TWU. NONE of these questions have been answered!!!! YES, I read everything that's posted here!!!! Information is the key to this whole thing, information that is NOT coming from "the union"!!!! Nothing has been posted about these issues! Here's something to think about, if "The union" is not answering these ez questions now, what will they keep from is later? See these, small things now fester into BIG things later. And if you think people are gonna stand by and TAKE YOUR WORD that it's gonna be better, your OUT OF YOUR FUCKInG MIND!!!

      Oh and one more thing, Your comment about, people posting "anonymously" because they are in fear of MSA retaliation, Are you a grown MAN, or scared rabbit? Maybe, I should start worrying about retaliation from the union, since I'm trying to get an hard answer about By-Laws and this TWU crap, just like numerous other people on this blog.

      Bottom line, WE need answer to our questions! They can only come from the UNION. And without these answer, how can anyone take their word for anything? YOU CAN'T!

      Here are two famous quotes that are what your saying to us.

      1 "checks in the mail"

      2 " I won't come in your..."

      You get the meaning!

      Can't blindly support something with NO information! Sorry

    2. I'll be honest with you Rob. I don't think you're really looking for information at all. I could write you a thousand page essay and I think you would still curse me up and down. I understand you're against this and that's fine but if it does go through, I hope you get involved to make it the best it can be.

      I'd say I've provided you with a lot of information. I understand you don't like the by-laws. Anything in them can be changed until it's ratified by the membership. Someone said earlier there should already be a final copy of the by-laws sent to the Department of Labor. There's no such thing as a final copy. By-laws change all the time and all the DoL needs is for me to send an updated copy to the investigator that's handled our paperwork in the past.

      Handlers choose to be anonymous because they don't want to lose their jobs. Responding to you is not worth them losing their ability to provide for their families or pay their mortgages.

      I love the part where you said, "if you think people are gonna stand by and TAKE YOUR WORD that it's gonna be better, your OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND!!!" Doesn't Glen end everyone of his letters with "you should trust me and my management team to make it better"? I think it's pretty clear that no matter what, you're against the idea of a union. May I ask why? Did you have a bad experience with a union in the past?

    3. I say it ONE more time, ALL I WOULD LIKE IS THE FINAL COPY OF THE BY-LAWS AND WHAT HAPPENED WITH THIS MEETING WITH THE TWU. That's it!If you have seen either posted ANYWHERE on here please let me know!

      And I stated before on this blog, I supported my family for 23 years with help of a union. And still support it with a pension. Did, I agree with everything that the FOP did, he'll no. Who would, agree with everything? NO ONE!

      Oh and by the way, in 23 years of Law Enforcement I learned a few things. One, being only people who have something to hide, hide in the shadows!

    4. The only thing I see here is, the "UNION" Supporters are Scared Shit of GLEN! What are you so afraid of???.....The "UNION" is here to protect YOU.....NOT!

      Wait I forgot the UNION Leaders of the UFK9H are posting anonymously...WHY because they are AFRAID for themselves!

      If you cannot protect yourselves....HOW CAN YOU PROTECT US?

  7. ACTIONS speak louder, than words.

  8. Tom, here another question. Do you think it's fair that the vote needing 30% to start the union was only conducted in NYC? Did you vote on that? Cause I didn't and everyone I talked to here hasn't either. Now what if you were left out of that vote, would you think that was right? NO, you wouldn't. That's the way I feel, too.

    Woukd you agree, that there are some questions that aren't being answered?

    THAT'S MY ISSUE! I'm not assuming anything! I need hard facts about these same issues I've been asking about.

    Now, your not gonna like this but. I'm new with this company, since I retired last June. Now I don't now Glen from Adam but at least he came to Chicago and spoke with us, face to face. And asked us what we thought. And listened to me. That means something to me. Just as you and I are speaking, both with level heads.

    Have you seen or heard anything about this meeting with the TWU? If you did could you please post something anything about It? All I'm saying is the union should be doing this, put up info about having the meeting and that's it. My last union, kept us informed with almost everything. So this not knowing is not what I'm use to. Let's you and I keep this up, maybe you can help me and I you.


    1. I've been a handler in NYC for a little over four years. I've been involved in the union and the lawsuit since the beginning and have been to every hearing and meeting with the NLRB. I was invited to the meeting with TWU but wasn't able to attend. The meeting ended up being rescheduled for next week. As soon as it happens, I'll be writing a post on what TWU is proposing. So far they're offering advice and guidance because they took issue with Glen's letters.

      There wasn't a vote to initiate a union election. We had compiled a list of handlers around the country that we have worked with and contacted them to sign union cards to show that at least 30% of handlers were interested. Most likely, you were left out because we didn't have your contact info due to your recent hiring when we started last year. Once we showed the NLRB that there was a showing of interest, they initiated an election to see if a majority of the bargaining unit wants to be represented. That's where we're at now.

      I've done my best to provide all the handlers as much information as I can. There will never be a final by-laws. Even after you and I leave MSA, handlers will be voting to change it. It's a living document and right now it's in it's infancy. I've said before, we have no issue changing portions of it before it's ratified by everyone.

      I should have contacted you directly a long time ago Rob. I took a lot of your comments personally and that was a mistake and I apologize.

  9. Tom, were you at this meeting with the TWU?

  10. Tom, so after a little googling. Weren't you the original Delegate for the LEOSU? You've  changed unions already? Why is that?

    1. I was. When this all started MSA put a lot of effort into getting rid of me. Cease and desist letters from their lawyers, one attempted firing by Keith Mulcahy, and threats of physical violence at the Christmas party for trying to bring the left over food to the handlers that were working that night. After the first incident with Keith, Steve Maritas disappeared and I was left to fend for myself without the legal representation he told me I would have. It was a nervous few months after that. Bill, Joe, and several handlers in Boston had offered to help support me financially if MSA did end up firing me. Luckily, the client I work for is not happy with the management of MSA and has gone to bat for me several times. Normally this wouldn't matter to MSA but it's the Department of Homeland Security so they have some weight. Eventually, I was put in touch with an excellent lawyer who was recommended by one of MSAs own clients. I filed a suit soon after and requested it be class action so every handler eligible would receive what they're owed.

  11. I want to know what took place at the TWU meeting yesterday and who attended this meeting on our behalf. We the MSA Handlers have the RIGHT to know the TRUTH!

  12. My name is Wade Risha I’m a handler for MSA down in Miami, FL. I worked in NYC for my first 6 months with the company, and I can tell you right now, that I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for my executives and higher level management (Glen K. included) who looked out for me prior to my transfer.
    Now I was a Marine and don’t know much about a whole lot, however I do know bullshit when it’s in my sights and Tom, you sir are full of it! I 100% agree with Robert Hyneck, show us the damn copies of the by-laws, and inform us on what happened in the meeting with th me TWU!
    You’re sitting here lying to us by saying that you and your shitty union want to take care of us and keep us handlers informed, then why the hell are we demanding documents that you refuse to supply us with. You sit here and belittle and bash on our executives for MSA, the very men and women who have helped myself and countless other employees within MSA. Answer me this question Tom, what have you done for anyone in the company, you think by writing anonymous blogs on here that we actually believe it’s hard working handlers writing them? Like I said in the beginning, bullshit is spewing from ever orphus of your very being!

    Wade F. Risha

    1. Sounds like you are hoping for pity from a corrupt executive who has "Foreskin In The Game" Since you mentioned that the leeches at Murray Street has helped you transition from being a POG in the Marine Corps and looked out for you.. yada yada yada, then it means that you're quite new and haven't experienced the shit sandwich that has been brewing in NYC. Quite frankly, you are impressionable and I won't blame you for that since you most likely do not know what is going on... But you will... give it some time and the generous offerings from the janitor in a suit will be meaningless.

  13. Hey Tom, see other people want to know too!

  14. This is how I see it, you’re a shitbag and were weeded out as being a shitbag by your peers. You got all sad and ran to the first person who would listen to you cry. Now you’re trying to get us hard working men and women to pay for your lazyass! I’ve asked 4 different people about your character (who are all handlers, and that worked with you in the field), they all said the same thing, “shitbag”! You were probably a shitbag in the Corps too, but you didn’t have a union in the corps and had no one to run and bitch to. So now you’re continuing to be a shitbag, at the sake of my fellow employees. When are you gonna realize we all see you for who you are, and the only reason I’m talking to you like this and not professional is because your colors show through the way you speak about my bosses and company. So you deserve nothing better in return, keep up with the bad mouthing it’s really getting all of our points acrossed.

    But seriously, where are the by-laws, and what happened in the TWU meeting? Why won’t you answer our questions, and why won’t you provide us with the by-laws? So you have something to hide?

    Semper Fi.
    Wade F. Risha

    1. That's interesting. I've been at a one dog post for almost four years now. Maybe I worked with them at the ferry or at one of the NFL games. I like to think I'm a pretty easy going guy. I don't honestly recall having any sort of conflict when working with other handlers. Maybe I was wrong.

      I did ok in the Marines. I was an 0111, admin super pog. I had pretty good pro/con marks and didn't get in trouble. I fractured my pelvis getting my green belt and they tried to fix it with surgery. It didn't work so they cut me loose a month early.

  15. And I don’t needt your pity, I understand that that is all you look for from people in life,, but that shit ain’t my cup of tea. I just wanna see the by-laws and I want to know what happened in the TWU meeting. You for some reason continue to circumvent these very simple requests from the handlers you say you want to help! Help us by first showing us the by-laws and a SITREP on the TWU meeting.

    Thanks pal
    Wade F. Risha

    1. The bylaws have been posted for awhile and the meeting with TWU was rescheduled. I'll be writing a post about it after it happens. So far they've offered advice and guidance on negotiations.

    2. I appreciate you replying in a professional way this time. Please send a copy of the by-laws to me at waderisha@yahoo.com
      When was the TWU meeting rescheduled for? I would also like a copy of all party’s that will be attending the “rescheduled” TWU meeting, and who will be there on MSA’s handlers behalf with contact information. None of what I have asked for seems unreasonable to me, what about you Tom?

    3. I don't recall responding to you unprofessionaly. Are you referring to the anonymous comments at 11:38?

    4. Until I am assured that you and or your minions are not behind the “anonymous” posts, I will consider all anonymous posts and reply’s to be from you and or yours. And I believe I speak on everyone’s behalf when it comes to that. You know just as well as the rest of us, that no one would get fired for expressing their feelings and opinions on the matter! This only prevailes to me as a false narrative, and that I along with everyone else are trying to be taken as fools. And for you to say that that’s the main reason why, only shows me that the person(s) behind the anonymous posts have things to hide! We are all adults here, there is no reason to hide from anyone or anything.

    5. Tom I left you my email in my previous reply, will you be emailing me the information I asked for?

      Wade Risha

    6. Hmm. I can't agree with you that no one will be fired. We do have some retaliation lawsuits in federal court now. I guess it's up to the judge and jury to determine if they were fired unjustly. I think MSA is a little wiser in the legal department now so I don't think anyone else would be terminated without cause.

      However, I can't control other handlers emotions. The fear of losing ones job is pretty effective. Especially for military handlers without pensions who have families to support. If handlers feel safer being able to communicate annonymously, then I'd like to leave it enabled. I think waiting until after the election to disable it would be appropriate.

      I assure you the anonymous comments are not me.

    7. To each is own.

      Will you be sending me a completed copy of the By-Laws
      And information regarding the “rescheduled” TWU meeting, as well as who will be in attendance and who will be there on MSA’s behalf?

    8. Wade,
      Don't hold your breath waiting for an honest answer. By-Laws seem to be written in pencil and the TWU meeting,if it's really been re-scheduled, will be another jerk job. They don't want anything to do with a bunch of ex-cops & military or a union that without msa has 3 members.
      In the Corps. he was a shitbird & if he was a cop he was an empty suit.

  16. See my comment about people hiding in the shadows, is coming to light!

    Wade, thanks for bringing that to the light!

    And, Semper Fi

  17. More and more it's being confirmed that not everyone's best interest is being looked after in this whole thing!

  18. Robert these union thugs are operating like they are in the MAFIA. Hiding in the shadows, while trying to deceive us with their lies and their corrupt ways of doing business.



    Union-Busting Tactics More Pervasive Than Previously Thought: Study
    By Lila Shapiro

    In the last half-century of American organized labor, the deck has rarely been so stacked against workers, say labor historians.

    When it comes to union-busting, employers’ tactics are more pervasive than previously thought, according to a new working study produced by the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy. The study found that nearly 50 percent of all serious allegations of union busting tactics — both legal and illegal — by employers happens after workers express initial interest in a union, but before an official petition has even been filed requesting a vote on union representation.
    “The cumulative effect of the steady, pervasive, and intense employer opposition undermines workers’ attempts to exercise their rights to choose union representation free of coercion and intimidation,” the study argued, concluding that the period between the petition and the election should be reduced to the shortest number of days possible.
    “Employers have gotten emboldened,” said Kate Bronfenbrenner, co-author of the study and a labor historian at Cornell University who has written extensively about anti-union strategy. “Employers have always opposed organizing, but what they are doing now shows that they are more and more confident that they are going to get away with it.”
    Bronfenbrenner laid out the numbers: Twenty years ago, she said, only 29 percent of employers threatened that a workplace might close if a union election succeeded. Along with threatening to fire pro-union employees, threatening to close a workplace is an illegal and increasingly common tactic employers use to intimidate employees in the run-up to a vote. Ten years ago, 50 percent of employers threatened a store closing, and, Bronfenbrenner continued, the most recent data drawn from the NLRB’s document database of unfair labor practices, shows 57 percent of employers making such threats.
    “The question is whether workers can survive the gauntlet another day, another week,” Bronfenbrenner said. “Because every day, every week, that goes by that they have to go through the intimidation and coercion and threats that make up an employer campaign is one more day that makes it more difficult for them to exercise their right to organize.”
    A union vote at a Target store outside New York City failed after a majority of employees had already signed cards supporting unionization. Pro-union employees and organizers at the United Food and Commercial Workers union swiftly alleged wrongdoing.
    “Target won through fear,” one employee told The Huffington Post on the morning after the vote. The UFCW has filed numerous charges with the National Labor Relation Board, accusing the company of “unlawful denial of access to the store, unlawful dress code policy, unlawful no solicitation policy, unlawful use of social media policy as well as threats, interrogation and surveillance” — even threatening that the company would close the store. Target broadly disputes the union’s accusations and denies allegations that it threatened store closure.
    One explanation for the upsurge of union-busting tactics, labor experts say, is how weak the disincentives are for employers. Under U.S. labor law, no punitive damages are allowed.
    “There’s actually a perverse incentive for employers to violate the law,” said Dorian Warren, a co-author of the study and a Columbia University professor who specializes in organized labor. “It’s cheaper to fire a couple of workers then let a union vote succeed. The employer sends a signal to the entire workplace, and if they lose in a couple of years, all they have to do is pay backpay and post a sign. “

    1. Took your advice,but found HuffPo to be a socialist rag. This may interest some people: "Whether they know it or not, employees in a unionized workplace have a choice to make: they can join and support the labor union that represents their bargaining unit, or they can choose to refrain from joining and supporting the union.(2) In a diverse society such as ours, it is hardly surprising that individual employees’ opinions frequently differ from those of the labor union officials charged with representing their interests, and that many employees will not want to join the union or support it." It's a long article, here's the link: http://www.nrtw.org/union-discipline-and-employee-rights/

  20. After reading all of today's comments, it would seem Tom Brown is the new poster child for the union. Maybe he should apply for Jared Scott Fogle old Subway job. Just a thought.

    1. Thanks for the tip. Are you saying that because I've gained a lot of weight recently? I've been trying to watch what I eat lately but I do miss pizza. Thanks for thinking of me.

    2. I’m still just trying to get an email with a “completed version” of the by-laws, as well as a SITREP on whats going on with this “rescheduled” TWU meeting? You were quick to email me last month regarding “my vote” for your sorry ass attempt to get a free paycheck!

    3. Wade, I sent you the email at 3pm and a follow up email with more info. Check your spam folder.

    4. Whoever you are, you’re a real piece of shit for attacking someone on that kind of a personal level. If you don’t have something contstructive to add, keep your ignorant comments to yourself! People like you are a cancer, seriously!

      Chris Moritz

  21. Tom you need to send that email to everyone! We all have a right to know what's going on.

    1. All the email says is that Bill Beaury, Joe Nacarlo, and John Hansen will be meeting with TWU this Tuesday morning. I might be attending if I'm able to get off work but there's not a lot of handers credentialed to work my post. It also includes a link to the post with the by-laws. I've explained that there is no such thing as a "completed" or "final" version of the by-laws. There will be a version that's ratified by a vote of the membership but it can still be changed via petitions.

  22. I personally think it would be fair to pay New York and San Francisco Handlers more, aka COLA. Those 2 locations are exceptionally more expensive. I don’t think it needs to turn into a whole ordeal with every location, just those 2, and the rest of us get equal pay.

    I’ve personally been to San Fran a few times and think it’s criminal the way they gouge people there. I’m sure New York is the same.

    Just some food for thought :)

    Chris Moritz

  23. Took "Anonymous who likes to eat insides" advice, but found HuffPo to be a socialist rag. This may interest some people: "Whether they know it or not, employees in a unionized workplace have a choice to make: they can join and support the labor union that represents their bargaining unit, or they can choose to refrain from joining and supporting the union.(2) In a diverse society such as ours, it is hardly surprising that individual employees’ opinions frequently differ from those of the labor union officials charged with representing their interests, and that many employees will not want to join the union or support it." It's a long article, here's the link: http://www.nrtw.org/union-discipline-and-employee-rights/
