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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Union By-Laws

Our complete by-laws are below. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment. We have no issue amending them and providing an updated copy to the Department of Labor.

United Federation of K9 Handlers
April, 2018


The name of this Union shall be The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.")


The Union may affiliate with such other organizations as the Board of Directors may from time to time deem advisable.


The Union shall have as its particular object and purpose to represent and advance the interests of Explosive Detection Canine Handlers ("EDCH") employed by Michael Stapleton Associates, LTD, d/b/a MSA Security ("MSA"), and to engage in such other activities which may reasonably further the interests of its Membership.


Section 1: The Union shall have jurisdiction over all MSA EDCH, and its Membership shall consist of such Members. The Union may extend its jurisdiction at any time to include other geographic regions, and/or to include other classes of employees working for MSA, consistent with prevailing law and regulation and these By-Laws. The Union may extend its jurisdiction, and/or may extend its Membership to other classes of MSA employees, after vote and assent by a majority of its Board of Directors.

Section 2: Any current or former MSA EDCH may be admitted as a Member, is eligible to vote in such matters as may be presented to the Membership by the Board of Directors, and shall pay such dues and assessments and perform such duties as the Board of Directors by majority vote requires, or as is otherwise required by these By-Laws. Such Members shall be subject to these By-Laws and any Amendments thereof, and may participate and attend in any general meeting of the Membership. The fact that a person may be eligible for Membership does not mean that the Union must admit him or her to Membership.

Section 3: There shall be no discrimination against any Member, or any applicant for Membership by reason of race, creed, color, religion, sex, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, ancestry, age or disability.


Section 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of one President, two Vice Presidents, one Secretary, one Treasurer and one Sergeant-at-Arms.

Section 2: A majority of the members of the Board of Directors attending any such meeting of same shall constitute a quorum, and shall meet quarterly or as otherwise scheduled by the President or his designee. A Board Member may attend such meeting by Proxy unless objected to by the President.

Section 3: In the periods between general Membership meetings of this Union, the Board of Directors shall have full power to act on behalf of all of the Members of this Union.

Section 4: The President of the Union, or such Committee or Designee as the President shall establish or appoint, shall pass on any disputes involving new applicants, re-admittances or expulsions, and shall create such procedures and/or working rules as may be necessary to govern same.

Section 5: The Board of Directors shall establish policy for the Union and oversee the overall activities and affairs of this Union, utilize the property and funds of the Union consistent with its purposes and the interests of its Members in its discretion, and establish, adopt, prescribe and order such procedures or working rules, and establish such Committees consistent with these By-Laws as are required for the direction and management of the affairs of the Union.

Section 6: The term of office for all Board Members shall be three (3) years, or as soon thereafter as such successors are duly elected and installed.

Section 7: No Member of the Board of Directors (including a prospective candidate for same) may solicit or accept financial support of any kind from any non-Member of the Union (excluding salary associated with regular employment from MSA or other employer.)

Section 8: Any Board Member may nominate, and The Board may elect by majority vote, such Delegates as it deems necessary in its discretion to represent the interests of individual Members, and to act as liaisons between the Membership and the Board. The Board may assign to them such duties as it deems necessary to competently represent the interests of the Membership.

Section 9: The Members of the Board of Directors will serve without pay or compensation. Any salary of the board shall be established by a majority vote of the membership (with the board excluded from the vote).

Section 10: A "Working Committee" comprised of proposed Board Members shall be formed prior to the first election of the Board, in order to further the interests of the prospective Membership, and facilitate the formation of this Union.

Section 11: The Board of the Union shall be the only persons authorized to act for or on behalf of the Union, and the actions, declaration or conduct of any other person shall not be considered to be the acts of any Officer of the Union, or the Union, nor shall they cause or form the basis for liability of any nature whatsoever on the part of the Union.

Section 12: Actions taken by the Board can be overturned by the submission of a Petition, signed by twenty percent (20%) of the Membership, filed with the President, calling for a vote on any specific action taken by the Board. If the twenty percent (20%) signature requirement is satisfied, the matter the subject of the Petition will be referred to the full Membership for a vote at the next membership meeting, or within ninety days, whichever is earlier. Such vote will be decided by a majority vote of a quorum, as defined herein, of Members returning their ballots.

Section 13: Any current or former MSA EDCH with an excess of three (3) years of experience working for MSA may be voted in as a Member of the Board of Directors or as a Delegate.

Section 14: Committees may be formed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors or by the President as may be necessary and advisable to further the business of the Union or the interests of the Membership. Such Committees may consist of Members and/or Board Members and granted such reasonable powers and authority as the President may designate.


Section 1: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Board, preserve order, enforce these By-Laws, and watch vigilantly over the affairs of the Union. When Board Members are equally divided on any question, the President shall cast the deciding vote. He shall sign all contracts and other legal documents on behalf of the Union, except that checks drawn on any Union Bank Account shall require the signatures of both the Treasurer and the President. The President shall have charge of the welfare and general business of the Union. He shall have the power to call special meetings in his discretion. He shall have the power to hire or terminate any employees, agents, attorneys or consultants to the Union and establish their wages consistent with the then-ability of the Union to pay same after consultation with the Board, and shall request approval of the Board to adjust same. In the event one of the offices of the Union becomes vacant, the President shall fill such office by appointment until such time as an election may be held, as regularly scheduled, to permanently fill the vacancy.

Section 2: The Vice Presidents shall perform such duties as the President designates. The First Vice President shall act in the place of the President in the event of his absence from any meeting, or his death, incapacity or disability.

Section 3: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a correct, full, accurate and impartial account of the proceedings of each meeting of the Board. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all Members, including their names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses, their status as Members in Good Standing, and whether they are current employees of MSA. The Secretary shall be principally responsible for communicating with the Membership, and for coordinating and managing the election of Board Members, as applicable, in a fair and impartial manner.

Section 4: : It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies on behalf of the Union; to keep true and accurate account of all receipts and expenditures in such separate funds as may be provided for, to make all necessary reports pertaining to the finances and financial condition of the Union, and to balance and submit books for audit and accounting as may be required.

Section 5: It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms to take charge of the doors at all meetings and to see that only members in good standing enter unless otherwise ordered, and to preserve peace and harmony in said meetings, and to perform such other duties as the President may designate.


Section 1: The Membership shall elect the Officers of the Board of Directors. Such elections shall be decided by a majority vote of a quorum, as defined herein, of Members returning their ballots.

Section 2: Any candidate who announces in writing his wish to run for any office, shall be permitted, with the assistance of the Secretary, to submit a written statement that shall be communicated to the Membership. If practicable, any statement submitted by any candidate shall be communicated contemporaneously with the statements of other candidates. Any such statements to the Membership shall be submitted to the Secretary, who shall promptly distribute same to the Membership. No more than two such statements shall be submitted by any candidate.

Section 3: The date of any election shall be communicated to the Membership at least twice: sixty (60) days in advance, and thirty (30) days in advance of any election.

Section 4: No candidate for any Office of the Board of Directors shall be eligible to serve on any Election Committee, as may be applicable.

Section 5: The President, in his sole discretion, after consultation with the Board, shall have the right to determine that any candidate for any Office of the Board of Directors, except a candidate the office of President, shall be unqualified to run for office.

Section 5: The Vice Presidents, collectively and jointly, in their sole discretion, shall have the right to determine that any candidate for the office of President shall be unqualified to run for office. If both Vice Presidents do not concur and agree with any such determination, the decision of the First Vice President shall prevail.

Section 6: The Board, or its designated Committee, shall develop and adopt such election forms and procedures it deems necessary to serve the Membership. Any procedures attendant to any election shall be clearly and specifically communicated to the Membership. Ballots may be submitted by mail and/or e-mail. There shall be no proxy voting. All Members in good standing and qualified shall be entitled to vote. Hard copies of all ballots shall be created by the Secretary, or such Committee or Committee Member as has been designated, and preserved by the Secretary for a minimum of three (3) years following any election. All ballots shall be returnable to the Secretary or such Committee or Committee Member as has been designated, as applicable. Results shall be certified in writing by the Secretary and the results promptly communicated to the Membership. Candidates for office may be present or have a proxy as an observer present at the counting of the ballots. Candidates shall be put on notice by the Secretary of the date, time and place of the counting of ballots.


Section 1: The results of any collective bargaining negotiations shall be subject to ratification by the Members by a majority vote of a quorum, as defined herein, of Members returning their ballots.

Section 2: The Membership shall be notified in writing when any collective bargaining negotiations or memorandum of understanding have been concluded.

Section 3: A true copy of all executed collective bargaining agreements and contracts entered into by this Union shall, as soon as is practicable, be available to all Members.

Section 4: Each Member shall adhere to the terms and conditions of pertinent collective bargaining agreements and shall refrain from any conduct that would interfere with the performance by this Union and its Membership of its legal and contractual obligations.


Section 1: In order for a Member to be in good standing, his dues, and any assessments, must be paid within thirty (30) days of when due.

Section 2: Any member failing to pay dues and assessments of the Union within thirty (30) days of when due shall stand automatically delinquent in Membership and shall lose all rights and privileges of good standing Membership.

Section 3: Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2, above, when a Member is laid-off from employment or is absent from work due to employer lockout or union-authorized strike for more than twenty days consecutive days, such member will be credited for Membership dues for the period of unemployment, but not to exceed six (6) months.


Section 1: This Union shall convene regular General Membership Meetings in its discretion, but not less than once a year.

Section 2: A Special Meeting of the Union may be called for any purpose upon a written request submitted and signed by ten percent (10%) of the Membership to the President. The request shall state clearly the purpose for which the meeting is called. No other business shall be transacted on that occasion.

Section 3: A Special Meeting may also be called by the President or by a majority vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors.

Section 4: The time, date and place of any General Membership Meeting or Special Meeting shall be communicated to the Membership by the Secretary or his designee at least sixty (60) days in advance of any such Meeting.


A quorum of the Membership shall consist of a minimum of ten (10) members voting at any General or Special Meeting, or returning their ballots in response to a Petition distributed in accordance with Article 5, Section 12 of these By-Laws, or returning their ballots at Elections pursuant to Article 7, Section 1 of these By-Laws, and they shall be qualified to transact such business as may properly be considered at such Meeting, or by such Petition, or at such Election.


These By-Laws may be amended at any General Membership Meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of a quorum of the Membership, provided: (1) that the amendment to be voted on has been put in writing and filed, with the President at least ten (10) days prior to a General Membership Meeting; and is signed by signatures of twenty percent (20%) of the Membership.


Section 1: Annual Dues and any Assessments, as applicable, shall initially be established by majority vote of the Board of Directors, with input from the Membership, and which shall remain in effect for a period of one year after implementation, or for such lesser period as may be determined by the President. Any increases in Dues, or any additional Assessments, shall thereafter be approved by a simple majority vote of eligible Members in good standing who return their ballots, in such manner as may be designated by the Board or its designated Committee, as may be applicable.

Section 2: Any proposed increase in Dues, and any proposed Assessments, shall be communicated to the Membership by the Secretary or his designee at least sixty (60) days in advance of the proposed effective date of said increase in Dues or said Assessment. In communicating to the Membership, the Secretary shall explain the reasoning for and purpose of the proposed increase in Dues, or Assessment.


Section 1: The Board shall establish policies regarding strike authorization procedures. Where practical, a forty-eight (48) hour strike vote notice shall be given to Members. Seventy-five percent (75%) of those Members affected by such strike must vote in favor of authorizing a strike in order to proceed with strike activity after Petition by the Board. .

Section 2: No Member shall work as a strikebreaker or violate wage or work standards established by the Union.


These By-Laws shall be in full force and effect from the date of their adoption by majority vote of a quorum of the Members who return their ballots after Petition by the Board, and Article 5, Section 10 of these By-Laws shall be given retroactive effect thereby.


  1. Thank you for posting the Union By-Laws. After reviewing what you have posted I wish to raise a number of concerns which are noted below.

    1. ARTICLE 2: AFFILIATION – you note: The Union may affiliate with such other organizations as the Board of Directors may from time to time deem advisable.
    Question: Why is it that the Board of Directors are the only ones who can decide if The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") can affiliate with another organization? If we choose to become dues paying of this union, the members should have the right to vote on this.

    2. ARTICLE 4: JURISDICTION and MEMBERSHIP - Section 1 States: The Union shall have jurisdiction over all MSA EDCH, and its Membership shall consist of such Members. The Union may extend its jurisdiction at any time to include other geographic regions, and/or to include other classes of employees working for MSA, consistent with prevailing law and regulation and these By-Laws. The Union may extend its jurisdiction, and/or may extend its Membership to other classes of MSA employees, after vote and assent by a majority of its Board of Directors.

    Question: Why is it that the Board of Directors are the only ones who can decide the jurisdiction and/or extend its Membership to other classes of MSA employees? Once again If we choose to become dues paying of this union, the members should have the right to vote on this.

    3. ARTICLE 4: JURISDICTION and MEMBERSHIP - Section 2 States: Any current or former MSA EDCH may be admitted as a Member, is eligible to vote in such matters as may be presented to the Membership by the Board of Directors, and shall pay such dues and assessments and perform such duties as the Board of Directors by majority vote requires, or as is otherwise required by these By-Laws. Such Members shall be subject to these By-Laws and any Amendments thereof, and may participate and attend in any general meeting of the Membership. The fact that a person may be eligible for Membership does not mean that the Union must admit him or her to Membership.

    Question: What do you mean when you say shall pay such dues and assessments. Specifically assessments?

    Question: You note in Article 4 Section 2 : The fact that a person may be eligible for Membership does not mean that the Union must admit him or her to Membership. If the purpose of this union is to represent and advance the interests of Explosive Detection Canine Handlers ("EDCH") employed by Michael Stapleton Associates, LTD, d/b/a MSA Security ("MSA"), and to engage in such other activities which may reasonably further the interests of its Membership as noted in ARTICLE 3: PURPOSE, who gives the (board) the right only, to deny a fellow EDC handler from becoming a member of the union if he or she is eligible? This is clearly discrimination and violates your own By-Laws Article 4 Section 3 which clearly states: There shall be no discrimination against any Member, or any applicant for Membership by reason of race, creed, color, religion, sex, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, ancestry, age or disability.

    1. You sound an awful lot like Glen. Or at least that scummy suit they sent to the ferry to talk to us. Give it up already. If you wanted to beat these guys, you should have done right by us. Instead you try to con us by giveing everyone else bullshit benefits that mean nothing.

  2. 4. ARTICLE 5: BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Section 3 states: In the periods between general Membership meetings of this Union, the Board of Directors shall have full power to act on behalf of all of the Members of this Union.

    Question: Before any decision is made on behalf of the membership, shouldn’t the members have the right to decide for itself before the Board of Directors acts on behalf of all of the Members of this Union? This seems to me the Board of Directors has a lot of power to act on behalf of all of the Members of this Union.

    It should also be noted in section 4 and 5 the Board of Directors have complete control to do whatever it wants when you want without any input from the membership especially when it comes to your exclusive right meaning the (Board of Directors) to establish, adopt, prescribe and order such procedures or working rules property and funds of the Union in its discretion, meaning the (Board of Directors) without any say from the membership.

    Section 4: The President of the Union, or such Committee or Designee as the President shall establish or appoint, shall pass on any disputes involving new applicants, re-admittances or expulsions, and shall create such procedures and/or working rules as may be necessary to govern same.

    Section 5: The Board of Directors shall establish policy for the Union and oversee the overall activities and affairs of this Union, utilize the property and funds of the Union consistent with its purposes and the interests of its Members in its discretion, and establish, adopt, prescribe and order such procedures or working rules, and establish such Committees consistent with these By-Laws as are required for the direction and management of the affairs of the Union.

    Question: Please tell me the difference between MSA creating establishing, adopting, prescribing and order such procedures or working rules like MSA does now and The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") doing the same thing WITHOUT approval or input by the EDC handlers?

    5. Section 6 states: The term of office for all Board Members shall be three (3) years, or as soon thereafter as such successors are duly elected and installed.
    Question: Should The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") be selected as our collective bargaining agent is there going to be an election to elect a President, two Vice Presidents, one Secretary, one Treasurer and one Sergeant-at-Arms as noted in ARTICLE 5: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1, or are the present un-elected officers going to continue to hold office as the Board of Directors for the next 3 years?

    6. Section 8 states: Any Board Member may nominate, and The Board may elect by majority vote, such Delegates as it deems necessary in its discretion to represent the interests of individual Members, and to act as liaisons between the Membership and the Board. The Board may assign to them such duties as it deems necessary to competently represent the interests of the Membership.

    Question: Why is it that only a Board Member may elect by majority vote, such Delegates as it deems necessary in its discretion to represent the interests of individual Members? Why can’t the membership have a right to vote on this? Is this union about giving exclusive POWER to the Board of Directors or is this about giving the POWER to the EDC handlers? Based on what I have read so far this is all about giving the Board of Directors ALL THE POWER.

  3. 7. Section 10 states: A "Working Committee" comprised of proposed Board Members shall be formed prior to the first election of the Board, in order to further the interests of the prospective Membership, and facilitate the formation of this Union.

    Question: Why would a “Working Committee" be comprised of proposed Board Members who are seeking office vs. a “Working Committee" made up of non-Board members who are not interested in running for office. What does this mean? They way I read this is if you’re a so called a “Proposed Board Member” looking to run for office then you have the “RIGHT” to act as a Board Member” to make decisions on behalf of the membership prior to the first election of the Board. Please Explain.

    8. Section 11 states: The Board of the Union shall be the only persons authorized to act for or on behalf of the Union, and the actions, declaration or conduct of any other person shall not be considered to be the acts of any Officer of the Union, or the Union, nor shall they cause or form the basis for liability of any nature whatsoever on the part of the Union.

    Once again this seems the Board of Directors are looking to hold and control all of the POWER vs. the membership having the power.

    9. Section 13 states: Any current or former MSA EDCH with an excess of three (3) years of experience working for MSA may be voted in as a Member of the Board of Directors or as a Delegate.

    Question: What is this all about? Who are you the (Acting Board of Directors) to tell us or to decide that a MSA EDC handler having less than three (3) years of experience working for MSA, can NOT be allowed to run for office?

    Don’t we all work for the same company?

    Aren’t we also voting in this election?

    Is the (Board of Directors) going to waive the dues for all MSA EDC handlers having less than three (3) years of experience working for MSA?

    Why wouldn’t MSA EDC handlers having less than three (3) years of experience working for MSA have the same rights as any other MSA EDC handler having more than (3) years of experience?

    This is clearly discrimination against MSA EDC handlers having less than three (3) years of experience working for MSA!

    WHY should any MSA EDC handler having less than three (3) years of experience working for MSA support The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.")?

    Since The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") is clearly discriminating against MSA EDC handlers having less than three (3) years of experience working for MSA, WHAT ELSE ARE THEY PLANNING TO DO WITH US when its time to negotiate our contract?

    Are they going to negotiate our present wage rate since we will have NO say in this union?
    It should also be noted: While The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") has noted MSA EDC handlers having less than three (3) years of experience working for MSA cannot run for office, WE WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY MONTHLY DUES. This is Wrong!

    These are my thoughts so far. I will respond with more comments on The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") By-Laws later tonight.

    Section 5: The President, in his sole discretion, after consultation with the Board, shall have the right to determine that any candidate for any Office of the Board of Directors, except a candidate the office of President, shall be unqualified to run for office.

    What is this all about Kim Jong-un…..Last I checked we are still living in America and NOT North Korea!

    Who are YOU Mr. Self-Appointed President of The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") to decide whether or not a MSA EDC handler is unqualified to run for office?

    I thought this union The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") was formed to protect us, MSA EDC handlers, but it is clearly obvious to me, this union is self-serving giving the two disgruntle Board of Directors all the POWERS over the MSA EDC handlers it was supposed to protect!

  5. So, we’re supposed to vote fo you and THEN you will establish the initiation fee and monthly dues? Y’all must be out of your minds!

    Whatever you establish is going to end up in the tens of thousands out of our pockets right off the bat...and you haven’t even done anything yet! Plus, you might suck at your job!

    You could run this union like North Korea for a year, taking our money because we’re locked into a contract with you and there’s nothing we can do!

    No frickjn way!!

    1. They already said what the dues are and there isn't any initiation fees. It says it right there that only a majority vote can increase the dues. Who are you and where the hell are you coming up with tens of thousands of dollars?

    2. You must be one of those MSA EDC handlers, who is unqualified to run for office, since it clearly does NOT state nor is it written anywhere in the By-Laws what the dues and initiation fees are going to be. Maybe you should read the posted By-Laws again!

  6. I agree with you 100% No fricjn way. I also want to point out from what I'm reading, unless your a dues paying member of this union, we won't have the right to vote on our contract. Many of us live in right to work states and are not planning on joining any union. This means this union will decide what wages and benefits we will get and we will NOT have a say in the matter unless we are forced to pay dues to Kim Jong-un.

    1. If you're in a "Right to Work" state, no one can force you to pay dues or deny you privileges that a member in good standing receives. You're considered a member in good standing whether you pay dues or not.

    2. That is a LIE! Maybe you should read your own By-Laws!


      Section 1: In order for a Member to be in good standing, his dues, and any assessments, must be paid within thirty (30) days of when due.

      Section 2: Any member failing to pay dues and assessments of the Union within thirty (30) days of when due shall stand automatically delinquent in Membership and shall lose all rights and privileges of good standing Membership.

    3. It says "his dues". Meaning the amount required specifically for you. The ammount you need to pay to be a member in good standing is $0 because you're in a right to work state. It doesn't say regardless of location or law everyone must pay dues. That would be illegal.

    4. Don't feed the troll and maybe he will go away

  7. Are YOU on CRACK?

    Where does it say in your By-laws if you work in a Right to Work state your dues will be $0 and you will will still be a member of good standing? It must be in the same section of your By-laws where it states the amount of the monthly dues and initiation fees.

    Now let me ask you this question if you don't work in a Right to work state HIS DUES would also be $0?

    1. It says it in your states right to work law.

      There are no initiation fees. Dues are $20 a check for handlers that work 20 hours or more and $10 a check for handlers that work 19 hours and less.

  8. Little Rocket Man are you telling me that just because I work in Right to work state I or any other handler are NOT required to pay monthly dues or assessments and we would all have the same rights as a dues paying member in good standing? This also means we can run for elective office of the union, thus holding one of several Board of Director positions, if elected and never be required to pay any monthly or yearly dues to the union because I happen to work in a Right to Work State? Is that what your saying here?

  9. That's correct. Is that a problem?

  10. If I was a Dues paying member it would be a REAL Problem. Why should I be required to pay monthly and/or yearly dues and assessments when those handlers in Right to Work states are NOT required to pay any dues and still have the right to run for or hold elected office within the union? What's wrong with this picture? It's clear to me Y"all are making your own rules up as you go along and Y"all have NO clue as to what your doing or saying. That's what I think!

    1. Why do the guys in Ca. make so much more than the guys everywhere else?? This is why we need a union thanks for pointing this out.

    2. Cost of living bud, that’s why. Cali deserves to make more because of it

    3. The cost of living is pretty similar in the San Francisco and New York metropolitan statistical areas. In 2015, they were exactly the same. The 2016 data was just released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis and CA has gone ahead by a few points.

      2015 data: http://www.businessinsider.com/most-and-least-expensive-places-in-america-regional-price-parity-map-2017-7

      2016 data: http://www.businessinsider.com/america-most-expensive-places-to-live-2018-5

  11. What is a Right to Work law?

    A Right to Work law guarantees that no person can be compelled, as a condition of employment, to join or not to join, nor to pay dues to a labor union. Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act affirms the right of states to enact Right to Work laws. The 28 states which have passed Right to Work laws are:

    Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

    What rights do employees in non-Right to Work states have?

    Certain rights of employees not covered by a state Right to Work law have been established by U.S. Supreme Court rulings. Employees can choose whether or not to join a union and union members may resign their union membership. Nonmembers can only be required to pay for their proportionate part of the union’s proven bargaining costs. They may not be compelled to pay any fees until the costs have been stated and explained and can challenge the costs as provided by the union. Employees whose sincere religious beliefs prevent them from joining or paying any money to the union also have special rights.

    Under the LAW you are either a DUES PAYING UNION MEMBER OR YOUR NOT!

    If you choose NOT to be a Union Member then YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS in the Union! That means you CANNOT run for office or Vote on your contract. Just like it is noted under ARTICLE 9: GOOD STANDING

    Section 1: In order for a Member to be in good standing, his dues, and any assessments, must be paid within thirty (30) days of when due.

    Section 2: Any member failing to pay dues and assessments of the Union within thirty (30) days of when due shall stand automatically delinquent in Membership and shall lose all rights and privileges of good standing Membership.

    How can you guys from NY help us, when you don't even know what your talking about and you make up the rules as you go along? Today you state there are no initiation fees and Dues are $20 a check for handlers that work 20 hours or more and $10 a check for handlers that work 19 hours and less. However your By-laws does NOT state this WHY? This is just one example on WHY EVERYONE should vote for NO UNION!

    1. I can't tell if your that temporary CEO hired to sell the company or the guy from that fake LEOSA webpage. Union all the way!!!

  12. What is "exclusive representation"?

    "Exclusive representation" is the special coercive privilege, given by federal law, that empowers union officials to represent all employees in a company’s bargaining unit. This "compulsory union representation" deprives employees, even in Right to Work states, of their right to bargain for themselves. Union officials demand this power, then use it as their excuse to force employees to pay dues for representation they do not want.

    You can read about what the law is by visiting the website below.


  13. Below is ARTICLE 13: DUES of The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") By-Laws. Can any Board of Director tell me where it specifically states in your By-laws: There are no initiation fees. Dues are $20 a check for handlers that work 20 hours or more and $10 a check for handlers that work 19 hours and less? Maybe I missed it?

    Section 1: Annual Dues and any Assessments, as applicable, shall initially be established by majority vote of the Board of Directors, with input from the Membership, and which shall remain in effect for a period of one year after implementation, or for such lesser period as may be determined by the President. Any increases in Dues, or any additional Assessments, shall thereafter be approved by a simple majority vote of eligible Members in good standing who return their ballots, in such manner as may be designated by the Board or its designated Committee, as may be applicable.

    Section 2: Any proposed increase in Dues, and any proposed Assessments, shall be communicated to the Membership by the Secretary or his designee at least sixty (60) days in advance of the proposed effective date of said increase in Dues or said Assessment. In communicating to the Membership, the Secretary shall explain the reasoning for and purpose of the proposed increase in Dues, or Assessment.

    1. Why would you say that,"This guys a Glen plant or one of MSA's lawyers." Is he speaking to good to be a k9 handler? Maybe the guys who think this is a bad idea, are smarter than you think! Maybe, people actually read things before making a decision. Maybe people dontbwant to be lead around by their noses and blindly say "yes" for a union. And after this TWU things coming into the picture, while the frickin ballot are out for the vote. Really? So, now there is a possibly that people have voted, without knowing we are going to be put under TWU control! Shading shit my friends! Almost like, someone is getting some kind of kickback... Makes you wonder.

  14. This guys a Glen plant or one of MSA's lawyers.

    1. Here's a theory, maybe Glen had his lawyers write the By-Laws for The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.")?

    2. I think the Temp CEO is colluding with the Russians to overthrow all attempts to establish a union. Go Union!!!

    3. Here's a theory: YOU'RE the one working with Glen anonymous ranting poster. Why would the union and Glen be fighting so hard against each other and Glen calling names and telling lies fi they were working together, you make no sense. Stop pretending you're a handler and that you actually care. Pretty ballsy behind your computer screen and anonymous posting abilities. Should "WE DEMAND" to know who you are??


    We are now opening nominations for the office of PRESIDENT now being held by Bill Beaury .
    Please Note: Under ARTICLE 7: ELECTIONS Section 5 which has two (2) parts to it and clearly states:

    Section 5: The President, in his sole discretion, after consultation with the Board, shall have the right to determine that any candidate for any Office of the Board of Directors, except a candidate the office of President, shall be unqualified to run for office.
    Section 5: The Vice Presidents, collectively and jointly, in their sole discretion, shall have the right to determine that any candidate for the office of President shall be unqualified to run for office. If both Vice Presidents do not concur and agree with any such determination, the decision of the First Vice President shall prevail.

    Since ARTICLE 7 Section 5 gives The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") Vice Presidents the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT in accordance with Section 5 to determine that any candidate for the office of President shall be unqualified to run for office you must meet the following qualifications to run for office.

    1. You must be a current or former MSA EDCH as noted in ARTICLE 4 Section 2 which clearly states:

    Section 2: Any current or former MSA EDCH may be admitted as a Member, is eligible to vote in such matters as may be presented to the Membership by the Board of Directors, and shall pay such dues and assessments and perform such duties as the Board of Directors by majority vote requires, or as is otherwise required by these By-Laws. Such Members shall be subject to these By-Laws and any Amendments thereof, and may participate and attend in any general meeting of the Membership. The fact that a person may be eligible for Membership does not mean that the Union must admit him or her to Membership.

    2. You must be currently employed or were a former MSA EDCH from the New York area. While this is NOT written in the By-Laws ARTICLE 5: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 5 clearly gives The Board of Directors of The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to make this determination which clearly states:

    Section 5: The Board of Directors shall establish policy for the Union and oversee the overall activities and affairs of this Union, utilize the property and funds of the Union consistent with its purposes and the interests of its Members in its discretion, and establish, adopt, prescribe and order such procedures or working rules, and establish such Committees consistent with these By-Laws as are required for the direction and management of the affairs of the Union.

  16. 3. You must meet the qualifications of ARTICLE 5 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 13 which clearly states:

    Section 13: Any current or former MSA EDCH with an excess of three (3) years of experience working for MSA may be voted in as a Member of the Board of Directors or as a Delegate.

    4. While this is NOT written in the By-Laws ARTICLE 5: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 5 clearly gives The Board of Directors of The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to only allow a candidate with prior union / benevolent association experience acting as a delegate to be a qualified candidate to hold the position of PRESIDENT of The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.")

    The BOARD OF DIRECTORS makes this determination based on ARTICLE 5: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 5 which clearly states:

    Section 5: The Board of Directors shall establish policy for the Union and oversee the overall activities and affairs of this Union, utilize the property and funds of the Union consistent with its purposes and the interests of its Members in its discretion, and establish, adopt, prescribe and order such procedures or working rules, and establish such Committees consistent with these By-Laws as are required for the direction and management of the affairs of the Union.

    Since ARTICLE 7: ELECTIONS Section 5 clearly states:

    Section 5: The President, in his sole discretion, after consultation with the Board, shall have the right to determine that any candidate for any Office of the Board of Directors, except a candidate the office of President, shall be unqualified to run for office.

    Section 5: The Vice Presidents, collectively and jointly, in their sole discretion, shall have the right to determine that any candidate for the office of President shall be unqualified to run for office. If both Vice Presidents do not concur and agree with any such determination, the decision of the First Vice President shall prevail.

    The Vice Presidents of BOARD OF DIRECTORS of The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") has determined that out of the 350 current MSA EDC Handlers presently working there is NO QUALIFIED MSA handler eligible to hold the position of President. With that said we have determined that there is only one qualified candidate to hold the office of PRESIDENT of The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.").

    Having no opposition due to the disqualification of all 350 current MSA EDC Handlers by the First Vice Presidents of The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union."), I name former MSA EDC Handler and former union delegate for the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association in the Brooklyn North, Bill Beaury as our official PRESIDENT of The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.").


    Today a few of us handlers decided to contact the Department of Labor to see whether or not The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") By-laws were legitimate and if in fact they were even filed with the Department of Labor.

    Much to our amazement we were told they had NO record of them ever filing. WOW!

    We were also told what information must be included in The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") By-laws. As you will see The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") FAILED to include many specific items which must be included in their filing, confirming this union not only LIED to us about meeting with and filing their By-laws with the Department of Labor, but they are really a SCAM UNION RUN BY TWO DISGRUNTLE EMPLOYEES JUST LOOKING TO TAKE OUR MONEY!

    Information Required to Be Reported by Each Covered Union

    The LMRDA and CSRA regulations require each covered union to adopt a constitution and bylaws and file two copies with OLMS. The constitution and bylaws must be filed along with a Form LM-1 providing certain information about the structure, practices, and procedures of the union. If the union is governed by a uniform constitution and bylaws prescribed by the union’s parent national or international union, the parent body may file a constitution and bylaws in the union’s behalf.

    The initial Form LM-1 is due within 90 days after the union is established and first becomes subject to the LMRDA or CSRA. Form LM-1 requires each covered union to provide information such as

    identification of the union

    identification of the officers

    rates of dues and fees

    fiscal year ending date

    Additionally, labor organizations covered by the LMRDA must indicate on Form LM-1 where in the union’s constitution and bylaws certain practices and procedures are described, or, if not in the constitution and bylaws, provide a detailed statement of the practices and procedures. Among the practices and procedures to be reported are

    authorizing disbursement of funds

    selecting officers and other union representatives

    protesting a defect in the election of officers

    disciplining and removing officers

    fining, expelling, and suspending members

    ratifying contract terms

    authorizing strikes

    1. MSA FAKE NEWS Please stop pretending you are a handler

  18. Based on the above, The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") By-laws fails to meet the standards as noted by the Department of Labor. Specifically:

    Rates of Dues and Fees – According to your By-Laws YOU DO NOT LIST what the monthly dues amount and/or fees which is a clear violation of Federal Law. How come this is NOT Listed?

    What is the fiscal year ending date?

    Where are your procedures for authorizing disbursement of funds?

    Where are your procedures for protesting a defect in the election of officers?

    Where are your procedures for disciplining and removing officers? The Department of Labor clearly notes this also must be included in your By-Laws. O Wait the (“Board of Directors”) will decide this under ARTICLE 5 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 5 which clearly states:

    Section 5: The Board of Directors shall establish policy for the Union and oversee the overall activities and affairs of this Union, utilize the property and funds of the Union consistent with its purposes and the interests of its Members in its discretion, and establish, adopt, prescribe and order such procedures or working rules, and establish such Committees consistent with these By-Laws as are required for the direction and management of the affairs of the Union.

    Where are your procedures for fining, expelling, and suspending members? The Department of Labor clearly notes this also must be included in your By-Laws.

    Below is the link which clearly shows you what is required by the Department of Labor. Based on what you posted on this site I truly doubt you filed these By-Laws with the Department of Labor which you claim were accepted by them since your By-Laws fall way short of what is required under Federal Law as noted by the link below.


    1. You are not a K9 Handler, so stop bullshitting us. You are in fact a Glen Lacky who is just trying to throw a monkey wrench in the Voting process. I guess Murray street is getting desperate and they see those bonuses shrinking.

  19. I think its safe to say that this site has been hacked by Murray Street. These are the comments of someone who is desperately seeking his selling bonus which is going up in smoke. Keep up the good work UFK9H!!!

  20. Bill stop pretending to post anonymously instead of as No Pay MSA.... your site was not hacked and you know it... No Pay MSA was the one who posted YOUR By-Laws EXPOSING YOURSELF, that gives you all the POWER to decide WHO is qualified to run for the Board of Directors.

    ARTICLE 7: ELECTIONS Section 5.

    Section 5: The President, in his sole discretion, after consultation with the Board, shall have the right to determine that any candidate for any Office of the Board of Directors, except a candidate the office of President, shall be unqualified to run for office.
    Section 5: The Vice Presidents, collectively and jointly, in their sole discretion, shall have the right to determine that any candidate for the office of President shall be unqualified to run for office. If both Vice Presidents do not concur and agree with any such determination, the decision of the First Vice President shall prevail.

    The Power to establish policy for the Union and oversee the overall activities and affairs of this Union, utilize the property and funds of the Union consistent with its purposes and the interests of its Members in its discretion.


    Section 5: The Board of Directors shall establish policy for the Union and oversee the overall activities and affairs of this Union, utilize the property and funds of the Union consistent with its purposes and the interests of its Members in its discretion, and establish, adopt, prescribe and order such procedures or working rules, and establish such Committees consistent with these By-Laws as are required for the direction and management of the affairs of the Union.

    The Power to exclude MSA EDC Handlers with less than 3 years-experience from running for office.


    Section 13: Any current or former MSA EDCH with an excess of three (3) years of experience working for MSA may be voted in as a Member of the Board of Directors or as a Delegate.
    Claiming your dues are posted in your By-Laws when in FACT they are NOT!


    Section 1: Annual Dues and any Assessments, as applicable, shall initially be established by majority vote of the Board of Directors, with input from the Membership, and which shall remain in effect for a period of one year after implementation, or for such lesser period as may be determined by the President. Any increases in Dues, or any additional Assessments, shall thereafter be approved by a simple majority vote of eligible Members in good standing who return their ballots, in such manner as may be designated by the Board or its designated Committee, as may be applicable.

    Section 2: Any proposed increase in Dues, and any proposed Assessments, shall be communicated to the Membership by the Secretary or his designee at least sixty (60) days in advance of the proposed effective date of said increase in Dues or said Assessment. In communicating to the Membership, the Secretary shall explain the reasoning for and purpose of the proposed increase in Dues, or Assessment.

  21. Claiming if you work in a Right to work State you DON’T have to pay dues and you have the RIGHT to run for office. When it specifically states under ARTICLE 9: GOOD STANDING


    Section 1: In order for a Member to be in good standing, his dues, and any assessments, must be paid within thirty (30) days of when due.

    Section 2: Any member failing to pay dues and assessments of the Union within thirty (30) days of when due shall stand automatically delinquent in Membership and shall lose all rights and privileges of good standing Membership.


    No Pay MSA May 20, 2018 at 7:43 PM

    “If you're in a "Right to Work" state, no one can force you to pay dues or deny you privileges that a member in good standing receives. You're considered a member in good standing whether you pay dues or not”.

    No Pay MSA May 20, 2018 at 8:06 PM

    “It says "his dues". Meaning the amount required specifically for you. The ammount you need to pay to be a member in good standing is $0 because you're in a right to work state. It doesn't say regardless of location or law everyone must pay dues. That would be illegal”.

    Anonymous May 20, 2018 at 8:36 PM

    Are YOU on CRACK?

    Where does it say in your By-laws if you work in a Right to Work state your dues will be $0 and you will will still be a member of good standing? It must be in the same section of your By-laws where it states the amount of the monthly dues and initiation fees.

    Now let me ask you this question if you don't work in a Right to work state HIS DUES would also be $0?

    No Pay MSA May 20, 2018 at 8:47 PM

    It says it in your states right to work law.

    There are no initiation fees. Dues are $20 a check for handlers that work 20 hours or more and $10 a check for handlers that work 19 hours and less.

    Anonymous May 20, 2018 at 9:12 PM

    Little Rocket Man are you telling me that just because I work in Right to work state I or any other handler are NOT required to pay monthly dues or assessments and we would all have the same rights as a dues paying member in good standing? This also means we can run for elective office of the union, thus holding one of several Board of Director positions, if elected and never be required to pay any monthly or yearly dues to the union because I happen to work in a Right to Work State? Is that what your saying here?

    No Pay MSA May 20, 2018 at 9:21 PM

    That's correct. Is that a problem?

    Anonymous May 20, 2018 at 9:38 PM

    If I was a Dues paying member it would be a REAL Problem. Why should I be required to pay monthly and/or yearly dues and assessments when those handlers in Right to Work states are NOT required to pay any dues and still have the right to run for or hold elected office within the union? What's wrong with this picture? It's clear to me Y"all are making your own rules up as you go along and Y"all have NO clue as to what your doing or saying. That's what I think!

    1. Because if you don't pay dues then you wont be allotted the same representation. No dues = no lawyers in case MSA illegally does something, unless you're going to shell out the $$$$ for it yourself.

  22. How can they even afford to represent us in California or any other state outside of New York if they have NO money? UFK9H is NOT a union it's the Mickey Mouse Club!

  23. In fairness to the union guys and to clear up some confusion, whether or not you pay dues, or resign from the union, they HAVE to treat you with fairness and bargain in good faith...it’s federal law since they would hold EXCLUSIVE bargaining rights. You cannot be singled out simply because its a COLLECTIVE. They bargain for the handlers as a whole.

    I’m kind of concerned though with the absence of exact dollars we would be paying and what the word “assessment” could potentially mean.

    Will we have a final draft of the by-laws and dollar figures that you will submit, BEFORE the election?

    Chris Moritz

    1. Chris it seems the UFK9H is afraid to answer the question or they have just given up the fight, since they are MIA!

    2. Hi Chris,

      What we posted isn't final by any means. A final draft of the bylaws can only be approved by the membership as stated in Article 15. We have no issue changing any part of the bylaws.

      The same goes for the dues. We proposed $20 to $10 a check because it covered the cost of an accountant and the retainer fee for a lawyer. So far, we've paid for everything out of our own pockets.

      Assessment can mean a lot of things. It was added in the event whoever is in charge of the union in the future wanted to implement something such as initiation fees. The board would have to propose it to the membership then the membership would vote to decide it could be implemented.

    3. Shouldn't the final copy of the by-laws already been submitted? You, the union, are asking for A LOT and have very limited documentation. There are way toooo many items that are incomplete and vague! And, posting that the by laws are not finished or complete is BS! This "Union", has ALL our faith in their hands, and they don't even have "All their ducks in a row". I'm not bashing anyone , but these are legit things that are out there and not addressed. Chris, I thanks you for taking the time to read and comment on the by laws, or should I say "copy of unfinished by laws"?

  24. THIS THING IS NOT GONNA WORK!!! NO WAY, NO HOW!!! Way too many Chiefs and not enough Indian's. This union, IS UNPROVEN! NO ONE KNOWS WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN! Just because I want to start a union, doesn't mean it's gonna work! I wish someone from the union would have made the rounds to all the areas where MSA handlers are located. It may have helped. And would have let these "union officals", see what's going on where. Not sure why, they didn't but it's too late now.

    1. Why didn't they make the rounds to all the areas where MSA handlers are located? I would think you would need assets to do that. It costs money to travel, It costs money to rent a car, It costs money for food and lodging. This union has no money or assets....ZERO!

      They need us to pay high dues and assessments just to pay for the tolls!

  25. This "assessment", is also BS! Here I can save you money on doing an "assessment", MSA is gonna bleed us dry with lawyers fees! Lawyer aren't cheap and for the most part don't work for free. What's gonna happen then? Increase the dues? I do believe that the other union had attorneys included! I'm beginning to sound like "the guys in the garage" is what going on! The more you look into things the more you get pissed that this is happening! And the by law, dealing with anyone interested in being an elected official, is BS! Why three years? What happens if there is no one in an area with three years? Does that mean, that an area won't be represented? Oh, that's nice! See these are thing that were never thought of! Just like when a "strike" was brought up, the union posted "they never thought about that until Glen mentioned it"! Really? Put my faith in these guys hands, I think NOT!

  26. @ No Pay MSA: President Bill Beaury,

    Bill after reading your reply to MSA handler Chris Moritz, you must think the 350 MSA handlers from around the country are either naive, stupid or we are just total idiots to believe what your now telling us. Specifically: "What we posted isn't final by any means. A final draft of the bylaws can only be approved by the membership as stated in Article 15. We have no issue changing any part of the bylaws".

    You noted in your last post dated Sunday, May 20, 2018 Message from Bill Beaury the following remarks when I asked YOU to post the By-Laws for everyone to read:

    No Pay MSA May 20, 2018 at 2:34 PM "Well we were going to post them tonight, like we told you yesterday. Tell you what, give us a few minutes to think up the whole thing, type it up, and have it reviewed by our lawyer and the Office of Labor Management and Standards. It is Sunday, so it might take a while for them to get back to us".

    No Pay MSA May 20, 2018 at 2:44 PM "It took a lot of work, but they're up. How we managed to invent the whole thing out of thin air and have it reviewed by a lawyer and the Department of Labor in the last five minutes on a Sunday afternoon is astonishing".

    With that said YOU are now telling us this is NOT THE FINAL DRAFT! WTF....Did You or Did You NOT submit these By-Laws to the Department of Labor?

    If You did, like YOU claimed you did, then these By-Laws would be the FINAL BY-LAWS which have been submitted and approved by your Attorney & the Department of Labor and NOT a Draft as you are NOW claiming.

    If you are NOW claiming these are NOT the final draft, then YOU OUTRIGHT LIED to us all about submitting The United Federation of K9 Handlers ("Union.") By-Laws to the Department of Labor.

    Which is it? All of the 350 Handlers around the country want to know!

  27. maybe if they had a website, like most credible outfits, instead of a crappy facebook page, they could update them there. maybe they're saving up for one
