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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Election Results

The results are as follows:

132 for Union

111 against Union

MSA has seven days to challenge the election.

We'd like to thank everyone for their support. We look forward to working with the MSA management team.


  1. at this point does this currently effect how we communicate with our supervisors, also when can we expect to start seeing changes.

    1. How would it effect anything? We have no contract with MSA. So in other words, we ALL are at square zero...

    2. MSA has seven days to contest the results. At the election, they indicated they would be contacting the NLRB to do just that. We'd like negotiations to start as soon as possible but it requires willingness of both parties.

      When interacting with anyone in management, just be respectful and relaxed. Just because there's a union, doesn't mean we can all get crazy. Document any interactions you feel are unfair or retaliatory and contact us.

      Tom Brown

    3. Does that also go for the anti union members who feel that the union will treat them unfairly as well. Typical propaganda. Most places have it good with MSA but are now going to pay for the mess in New York

    4. For all of you who think this is a New York mess, keep in mind that New York is where it all began and the current EDC work in New York is what keeps the lights on for MSA. It was the hard work and dedication of NYPD cops in the weeks, months and years post 9/11 that caused MSA to grow, establish a national footprint and now allows you to say you "have it good" in whatever city you work in. The mess that MSA finds itself in now has not been caused by the handlers, it originated on the third floor of 9 Murray St where the executives forgot that the dog and their handler were the most valuable asset in the company, the face of the company and could be treated like dirt with no consequences - but handlers still went out and did their job but things only got worse. 9 Murray cares little about the dogs and even less about you, that is why the union is so important. The union is here, and for those of you who voted against it I say give it a chance. Stop with the personal attacks on the men who spearheaded the Union movement - they did it for the right reasons. 9 Murray St. is a toxic environment and they seek to poison the goodwill and camaraderie the handlers in the field have for each other. Don't let them do it. The only people you can truly rely on are your fellow handlers and now you have the benefit of a union to protect you even more. The union board deserves a chance. Every personal attack posted on this blog against the union, every comment that supports a geographical divide, each negative comment that fosters an us against them, law enforcement vs. military mindset empowers the management of MSA. Don't give them that satisfaction. They don't respect you and they don't appreciate you. I think MSA as a company is in bad shape. They may look good on paper and someone may want to buy them, but no company can survive with this much dissension in the ranks. Stay united, stay union.

    5. You're absolutely right! 9 Murray Street will never EVER respect its handlers. They treat them like garbage. Its very embarrassing to even disclose to anyone the current benefits that we receive after being asked about working at MSA, but we are looked upon by the public with admiration. Murray Street is no different than that of a Putin run government. Now we have a CEO who has been fired and sued from a previous company due to a severe financial data breach? No thank you... I would rather have a union. MSA isn't the only one unfortunately. This goes for all security firms. The more high profile contracts that MSA aquires the better the executives pockets will be. However, the more high profile contracts that is acquired, the bigger the risk and possibility that you will indeed find something in those bags. Who will have your backs if you get hurt? The Miracle Marvel Windsor Teams and Management? Nope.. they will just send you a get well card and baseball tix.

  2. Quick question: How is that someone just posts anonymous and you allow it. However on the June 5th post anonymous post were nit allowed or have to be reviewed for approval first. Makes no sense. I'm positive this wont be posted.

    1. All the comments are reviewed before they're published. As long as they have some legitimate content, they're published.

      Tom Brown

  3. I left my name and a reasonable question about posting anonymously. Why am I being censored after I post my name ..June 5th post you state poating anonymously will not be posted. I am leaving my name and I am still being censored. WhT are you people afraid of. It appeaes that you will only post positive posts .. There is no doubt I do not support uou or the scam of a Union but what fair is fair or so I thought .

  4. Thanks for being fair and posting all instead of just a few. I hope thia is not you are going to run this union .

  5. It doesn't effect it in amy way. There is no contract to spell out anything.

  6. Good to see that common sense prevailed. Great job guys!!

    1. Common sense preveuled, with what?

  7. When is the vote to affiliate with TWU going to take place?

  8. How can you guys think this is a victory, when almost half of your "union body" voted NO for this? This thing is bound for failure. Now someone is asking when the TWU vote is gonna take place. Do you really think that the almost 50% of people who voted NO are going to let that happen? Now the shoe is one the other foot for you guys in NYC, the same as it was for us when YOU decided for us to start this union! Dues of $56 and over $70for Cali? Good luck! Now we have to worry about, who will count those votes! Maybe that vote should be held outside of NYC, to be safe for everyone.

    1. Since when were you ever "Safe" from the MSA management BS? Must be nice to have 35.00 dollars an hour compared to NYC where the cost of living is so much higher. Did you know that handlers in NYC who has "EOD" experience gets 35.00 an hour (Smart Tech Pay). So if you come across a bomb in a suitcase.. you think that EOD experienced handler is going to be superman and cut the wire while holding a dog? Its all about who you know here in NYC.You guys in Cali got it good! Who remembers Coachella? Oh yea.. that's right, you guys were provided with nice equipment to stay in while the NYC guys slept in a small Erueka tent and showered in a horse barn. Lets not forget of the handler who was bit by a spider and got sick while sleeping in this barn too. Did MSA ever rectify the squalid conditions? Nope... but they lost the Coachella contract. No one has even said that the union will be affiliating. They were merely exploring options. That is why you have the power of the vote. If you don't like it, vote against it, its that simple. Is it legally possible to affiliate with the TWU... maybe not.. but it doesn't hurt to explore new paths. How does it feel to earn a mere 400 a month stipend compared to a national standard of 1000? Maybe you don't care because you may have a thick pension coming your way.. but I do and its a disgrace.

  9. Witj the talk about merging this TW union and an increase in dues and how they are higher than expected what does it mean to be a core member only and how much would this lower my dues .There is not a ral need to pay for the TW assistance since this union has all in needs in Mr Beaury and Mr Brown. Thank you

  10. Who is going to lead negotiations? and is every state going to be allowed to have representatives attend negotiations? and if so could someone from the union explain how this process is going to work?

    1. We'd like as many handlers as possible from all parts of the country involved in negotiations. At a minimum, I'd like each meeting recorded and distributed to everyone. I'd rather have everyone able to call in on a conference line and listen in live as well. I don't think Glen would have an issue with this and I know MSA has the tech to do it. We had a conference call with dozens of handlers before the 2015 Superbowl and it worked really well. If you want to be involved, shoot us an email and we'll compile a list.

      As for when negotiations will start, that hasn't been determined yet. MSA has until close of business on Tuesday to contest the election. If they don't contest, we'll be in contact to set up a meeting to figure everything out. All the info will be posted on here.

      Tom Brown

  11. This was a VERY close vote. I hope the NYC guys understand how easy it would be to to break this union...especially given how shady that little nugget about TWU came out 5 days before the vote, when the majoritu of people had already sent in their ballots...I know I would have changed my vote...others would have as well...if they screw this up, even a little, this could be the shortest lived union in history! I also find it VERY odd that they sll of the sudden gone silent and have decided not to address any of the current concerns or complaints...Like I said, I hope they don't get too cocky...they could lose the membership and the majority before it even gets started

    1. We need to have this TWU vote as soon as possible to shut all the non-believers up! Give these NY guys a chance!

    2. Will you just cut the BS and give them a chance. I'm not thrilled with affiliating with the TWU either but I want to hear what they offer us before I condemn it. All Bill and company did was to meet with them. Nothing is in writing or a done deal so lighten up. IMO the vote was close because a lot of handlers were never in a union and have no experience. Affiliating with a large union has lots of benefits you cant even imagine. Any of the guys that were on the job can tell you (except of course Hynek who just got himself a nice training spot and raise after only 6 months with MSA which explains his posts on here) that the medical, dental, prescription benefits far overshadow any dues you'll have to pay. The bigger the union the better the benefits. Keep an open mind is all.

    3. Here we go again! Someone who has NO IDEA, what they are talking about, calling someone by their name and NOT HAVING THE BALLS TO SIGN THEIR NAME!!! When I went to Windsor for my dog, I interviewed for the training spot in Chicago. Unlike, "Anonymous" I came here wanting to move up. As should everyone! After all, we ALL want more money! Isn't that why the union vote began in the first place! I LOVE DOGS! And anyone who knows me, KNOWS THAT! I goal is to help everyone I can became a better handler and make the dogs want to work harder!

      I've asked the same questions on this blog. Some were answered, some not really. So much so, that i recieved a phone call from Bill.

      But, to be called out by name, I think Not! I think, someone in Chicago is upset because they haven't been handed something for free! Running off about shit, they have no idea about! It almost sounds just like when I was "on the job", with a union. When the union, had no other choice than to protect "a loss poor employee" just because they were a part of the union. "Anonymous", you seem like the person who will complain about everything, because you want to have your cake and eat it too! "Anonymous", YOU are why there are problems Here!

      Enough of ranting about "Anonymous's" comment. Sad part is that whoever they are, they are either in Chicago. Because the only people who know that are in Chicago! "Anonymous", if you'd like to talk about my thoughts on all of this, I'm pretty easy to find in Chicago!

      Bob Hynek

    4. Actually Bob, most guys know this already...word travels fast and not just because of this page. Hope you remember the little guys and where you started and don't just get sucked in to being a part of upper management. It is pretty odd that the guys whom heckled and argued and were against the union are the ones who got promotions or pay raises no?

  12. There is a possibly that, there may be another vote just because of this TWU thing. And if anyone thinks that MSA is not going to contest this vote, your crazy!

  13. wow..you guys sound like a bunch of winey wash women..instead of constantly complaining..you shoold come to the realization..that the majority voted the union in..and its time to stop the squabbling and do something constructive and mature..like giving the union a chance maybe..you have nothing to lose at this point.
    .so lets stop the crying and move on together
