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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Family Values

On September 3rd, MSA bosses appeared on television and proclaimed "The dog is family, that’s how we treat them here. It’s really not a working tool for us here at MSA, they’re part of our family." and "It’s very important to us, we want well-adjusted dogs. We don’t just say that as a marketing line. They are family to us. If the dogs aren’t well adjusted and happy, they don’t provide a good service."

Below is an example of MSA treating our partners like "family". How long until MSA decides to give you the "family" treatment?

Click Here for the NY Post Article

He was a loyal partner who loved apples and a comfortable bed after a long day at work — but he won’t be spending retirement with the family that loved him.

That’s because Valiant the beloved bomb-sniffing dog was cruelly removed from his longtime handler — and the man’s developmentally disabled son — after a workplace dispute, the handler claims. Joseph Tallini says MSA Security fired him under false pretenses and then took the 8-year-old yellow Lab, leaving his family “devastated.”

“It was horrible,” Tallini told The Post. 
Tallini, who is part of an ongoing Manhattan Federal Court lawsuit against MSA, says he twice warned his supervisors earlier this year that Valiant was “drastically” slowing down and could no longer handle grueling 12-hour shifts at the New York Stock Exchange. His cautions “went in one ear and out the other,” Tallini charges, until someone complained about the way Valiant conducted a search. That’s when MSA officials “told me, ‘You put the public at risk,’ ” according to Tallini.

The company fired him on July 31 and threatened a lawsuit if he didn’t return the pooch. “I had to give the dog back because I couldn’t afford to spend $60,000 on a lawyer to fight them,” he said. Handlers are expected to bring their dogs home each day, to further their bond with the animals. Tallini’s son, Timothy, who battles multiple developmental issues, wept at the loss of Valiant, his parents said. “It’s terrible,” said Tallini’s wife, Pat. “He’s upset, he’s crying. You can’t separate the heart from the head.” Valiant “deserves to be treated like a house pet,” she added.

MSA did not return a message for comment.


  1. What compounds the loss for the handler and his family is we all know that an eight year old dog will not be assigned to another handler/family but more than likely will end up kenneled in Windsor or Virginia or given to a friend of someone on the third floor at 9 Murray St. - out of sight/out of mind, and the petty, vindictive nature of MSA leadership shows itself. They care little for the dogs and even less for the handler - the performance on NBC was just another part of the management smoke, mirrors and outright lies. If it's a PBB dog then they should be made aware of what's happened to the dog. If anyone has an ounce of integrity, Joe gets the dog back, but sadly integrity is in short supply at 9 Murray St.

  2. That is a damn shame.. Disgusting and a damn shame. The word "disgruntled" is thrown around like a plate of hot flan. However, this is one of many reasons why employees turn against management. Management knows full well that the dog won't be assigned to anyone else. They also know full well that this is full blown psychological and emotional abuse against the handler.

  3. this happened to me. I had my 'baby' for 1 and 1/2 years. Working together,training together,playing,etc..and providing unconditional love and a warm/loving home. Msa took her from me after an "aggressive behavior" incident.Windsor told me she was getting corrective behavior training,and would either go back to work,or be retired and adopted out.....but that in either case,I would not get her back...ever. I was and still am heartbroken.When I contacted someone at Windsor a week later to ask how she was,I was ignored and received no answer.

    1. That’s the way it goes. They will ignore you. Whether you were a handler on good terms or one that was problematic. As long as the dogs are bonded and are part of the family home, they don’t care about the consequences and downside of having your dog taken away and the effects that is has on children and the rest of the family. I was always asked by clients how it was like to work as a dog handler. I always gave clients a honest and blunt response on how MSA holds the dogs above your head to keep everyone in line. “Corrective Training” is a term they use that means your dog will be taken away. Doesn’t matter if the dog is an alpha and naturally agressive.

  4. For God sakes, Murray St. you guys cant continue to be this heartless and vindictive. I'm talking the Mr. Whelan, DeSantis, Mulcahey and especially O'Neil you guys were cops for Christ sake, I dont care what the suits are paying you, you cant be that far removed from the loyalty and fair play that you learned on the job. Dont any of you have the stones to stand up and say something? Give the guy his dog back!!

  5. This is what happens when a decent company that cares about their employees gets sucked up by cooperate hedgehogs

    1. Stop blaming corporate people and put it were it belongs O Neil,Winn, Whelan,Kelly, DeSantis! These men are the ones who make these decisions and try to blame them on corporate because they all have no interest in the teams they say they represent! They are all about the almighty dollar! Stop being fooled!

  6. Wait...if MSA has already decided how long it takes to feed our dog per day...why are we gonna clock in and out from training..and why is it an hour when your off and only 15 min when your working..what genius thought that one up??
