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Thursday, October 18, 2018


My fellow handlers,

We are well aware of what MSA is doing and it is being addressed right now. The United Federation of K9 Handlers will always have your best interest in mind. We will post updates as they become available.

Thank You


  1. We’re glad you’re on top of this! This new program is all smoke and mirrors especially after making it TAXABLE INCOME...it doesn’t amount to much. Plus having to use our personal devices to log in and out 4 times a day when we work and twice a day when we don’t is total BS!

    If it’s training pay then why is it being taxed as income?!

  2. Once again..the apparently brilliant MSA management team show us how they treat family...by squeezing every last penny from us..and then telling us we are better off for it..well thanks for once again showing us some supposed "msa family values "...i hope you are using those penny's your stealing from us to teach your kids some "family values".

  3. This new stipend/training initiative by management is an attempt to test the strength of the union and the handlers be damned, we and our dogs are just collateral damage to the third floor. One of the reasons we voted for a union is to give us a voice and a means to fight the management of MSA when they institute policies that are arbitrary and capricious. Management has to be held accountable for it's divisive and vindictive policies towards the handlers especially since the union was voted in. It's personal with them and if they expended the same energy working with the union as they do fighting it we would all be better off including MSA as a company. They must be pressured by all legal means within the union's power to sit down and negotiate with a union that was legally established, voted on in good faith by a majority of employees. They want to break the union and we must stand strong. I wonder if MSA realizes that clients, competitors and the working dog community as a whole view this page frequently and it has a chilling effect on MSA's reputation. If you as a "valued" employee, part of the "family" had any doubts about what MSA management really thinks of you just read Glen's letter a few more times until the message sinks in. You can expect that kind of treatment from Glen, but how does anyone in MSA management who was once a member of the law enforcement community sleep at night? They know this is wrong and should be ashamed of themselves. What is even worse is we have decorated combat veterans in our EDC ranks who served the Nation bravely and honorably in time of war and are now subjected to shabby treatment from a company that takes on Federal money. It's tragic. MSA Management had the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and move forward but they are sore losers, don't like us and will continue to treat us with disrespect. If they act like this with a union in place, imagine what they would have done if the vote had gone the other way. Let's go UFK9 Glen's letter demonstrated just how much they despise us and again shows the world the dogs mean nothing. 4 Pinocchio's to MSA for the Megyn Kelly show. We already knew they would not fight fair and it's all about the $$$ for them. Let's go Bill and Joe we're behind you 100%.

  4. To the Brother who wrote the above. Excellent job, you expressed my feelings exactly. I'm also disappointed in the Murray Street suits who used to be cops. To let this interloper Glen come in and basically brow beat them into submission. He's a corporate hack who's got no place working with retired cops and veterans. Please guys remember where you came from and stand up for us. Do the right thing.

  5. Hey MSA...what happened to family values??

  6. He is living in a fantasy world pretending that we didn't just vote a union in.

  7. This stipend DECREASE reminds of the two dollar raise that the senior guys got when management screwed the new guys out of two dollars. A raise that saved MSA money because the majority of the handlers are new. They think we are stupid.

  8. They don't think we are stupid
    .they just care more about lining there own pockets ..then making there employees happy

  9. Only 15 Minutes or 1 hour to train? Doesn't that go against everything we were taught in Windsor? I guess the only thing I can do in that time is bowl feed my dog. Mike Wynn is good with this?

    1. Maybe it will change back when all of the dogs shit the bed at qualification time.

  10. Absolutely absurd! I don't think they believe the handlers, but I do believe the management is quite stupid if they believe that their treatment towards handlers isn't being noticed by clients. I know more than a handful of clients that already know what's going between handlers and management. This is dispicable and we are suppose to be searching for bombs? Handlers and their canines are just a money making machine for MSA. Veterans, do not opt to self identify your status as veterans / disabled veterans if they ask you. Doing so would allow the Murray Mungs recieve a sizeable tax credit for each vet hired. Don't allow them to make any money off you. Sounds like MSA needs to be brought to their knees before anything gets better. Glen is nothing but a deviant in a suit running a company that his floor cleaning background, knows nothing about.

  11. Mike Wynn will do whatever 9 Murray tells him to do because he is just like them. Mike won't say or do anything that might jeopardize his position at Windsor. The dogs are just a commodity to him and he's the one that holds taking the dogs away over our heads. Any problems with a dog Mike is the one that always decides it's the handlers fault, not the trainer, not the dog, always the handler. Mike is part of the problem and could care less about the handler or the dog. He used to be a dog guy but now he's just an extension of management and the dogs are disposable. MSA will always try and use our love for the dogs as a weapon against us and the puppets at Windsor do whatever management wants them to do even though it may be wrong, can hurt the dog, hurt the handler, hurt the handlers family and ultimately hurt the public we are trying to protect - as long as the money flows into the company coffers nothing else matters. Big revenue clients like the USMS, Goldman Sachs, the NYCDOT should demand answers from management about the current state of the EDC Program. The EDC Program should be examined and evaluated by independent working dog experts and publish their recommendations. The Union and the clients should insist that our representatives be present for all meetings so they can hear both sides of the story, not just what management wants them to hear. Better yet our representatives and attorneys should ask to meet with clients and inform them about what exactly is going on with MSA and it's treatment of us.

  12. Raise the stipend and give the $1 an hour raise. Would have been a step in the right direction instead of this crap ass crap they dished out!
