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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Union Update

Fellow Handlers:

I am hoping this finds you and your family well. We would like to let you know that your Employer, MSA, believes that the Union no longer has membership support. It is unclear where they got this information, but the facts remain that they continue to come between the Union and the membership.

They have filed a petition, on your behalf, with the NLRB, to decertify and unrecognize the United Federation of K9 Handlers. We have been negotiating a Collective Bargaining Agreement, tirelessly, that would give you and your EDC partner regular raises, more vacation time, uniform allowance, and the Stipend pay that we have alleged that they unilaterally took away from you without bargaining with the Union.  

We are trying our hardest to get you all the best economic terms possible. To date, we have continued to protect the members through the NLRB and we have settled several charges on behalf of members.

We are currently very close to a favorable agreement, so MSAs timing could not be any worse. The Union will continue to fight for its members day in and day out.  

So please let MSA know you want raises every year (not one every 33 years) , you want more vacation time, and a host of other benefits you and your partners deserve.

This is a baseless attempt to try and pull the membership away from the Union and we will not tolerate it. The Union, and our attorneys, will continue to keep your, and your Canines, best interests in mind. We have made significant progress to favor the employees, but the Employer wants to oust the Union to benefit themselves.

Besides negotiating, we have succeeded on several battles in front of the NLRB and have open matters currently pending resolution of a contract. This will include the Stipend that was taken away from you by MSA over 9 months ago.

We appreciate the continued support. Please feel free to reach out to us at anytime for any questions or concerns.


Bill Beaury